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Re: aiClipboard

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:47 am
by aiClipboard
I am Baas, what did you post here?

hItem.html is a file that is created internally in order to show html content

Re: aiClipboard

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 6:09 am
by I am Baas
aiClipboard wrote:I am Baas, what did you post here?
The exact message that pops up when I run aiClipboard.

Re: aiClipboard

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 6:47 am
by aiClipboard
I'm sorry but if you get a popup, can you please put the screenshot here?
hItem.html is an internal file that is created to display the content of html items, not a popup.

Message from webpage? aiClipboard is a windows application not a web page...
I'm missing some information in order to understand what exactly do you see.

Re: aiClipboard

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 6:00 pm
by I am Baas

Found the culprit...


A bug report to another forum that was copied to the clipboard (just before I was testing aiClipboard)... :oops:

Anyway, aiClipboard is not error free...



Re: aiClipboard

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:24 am
by aiClipboard
That's much better!

1. What is the URL you are trying to view? This popup is coming from the webpage itself, not from aiClipboard but I will check it myself and see what can be done.
2. From what application did you try to copy? There are applications that lock the clipboard, I have a failsafe for that but sometimes the locking application is too stubborn. I can remove the popup so it will be transparent to the user and less intrusive. Still, I'll be happy to know what application are we talking about.
3. In case you receive this kind of popup, click on YES and send me the bug report so I can fix the problem. Notice that 1.7.0 is still a beta.


Re: aiClipboard

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 7:41 pm
by joby_toss

Re: aiClipboard

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 4:12 am
by guinness
Tested: Portable

I presume the name change must mean the application is now stable.

Re: aiClipboard

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 4:23 am
by aiClipboard
Hi guinness,

The name change was to make it more relevant to the purpose and functionality of the application, actually, version 2.0.0 is still a beta.


Re: aiClipboard

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:49 pm
by aiClipboard
First of all I want to thank the people who voted for the application and made it public.

How is it possible to update the entry?

Re: aiClipboard

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:20 pm
by guinness
I've edited as best as I can at the moment.

Re: (formerly aiClipboard)

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:03 pm
by I am Baas
Entry updated. Should we mention it's still in beta?

Re: (formerly aiClipboard)

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:38 pm
by aiClipboard
Thanks, regarding the beta, soon I will release the final one so I think we should keep it as it is now.

Re: (formerly aiClipboard)

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 6:38 am
by Napiophelios
This is a pretty cool portable but I have several minor gripes/glitches when using it.

option to copy item to clipboard when double clicked results in an error message when actually implemented from the sidebar
would be nice if you could add a right click context menu to sidebar items ( to copy / paste / delete /add to favorites )
or at least a tiny toolbar with these options

after opening and closing the gui to the systray a few times I cant get it to show itself anymore and have to exit the application:
you need another option in the systray icon popup menu selection to "hide/unhide SaveMe Gui"

Like most apps with the option to start minimised,
SaveMe Gui actually shows itself for a split second when opened;
very annoying.

Would be nice if the user could resize the sidebar window's length.

Would be nice if the user could choose a display view for the copied items (list,small icon,etc.)
I prefer a list view but as it is mine shows as tiles and just slows things down when looking for items I want to see

Would be nice to have an option for the sidebar to automatically slide out of view when mouse leaves the sidebar window
I like it how it is now but its still a nice choice to have with this kinda production app.

would be nice to be able to control/disable the transparency effect of the sidebar window;
I thought disabled the Aero effects under theme options would stop the transparency
but I obviously dont know what the hell aero effects are since I am still using xp :)

oh yeah, how do I add stuff to my favorite selection?

Re: (formerly aiClipboard)

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 6:58 am
by guinness

Just a curious question, but do you use Win32 API to create the GUI or some custom function which creates its own class etc.?

Re: (formerly aiClipboard)

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 7:04 am
by aiClipboard
Thank you very much for this feedback, very useful.

1. I'll try and see if I get the error message that you get when you double click an item to copy to the clipboard. What do you mean by "double clicked results"?

2. Double clicking an item on the sidebar, will copy this item to the clipboard, I will add a context menu as well.

3. Another option to show/hide the GUI: Will do

4. Start minimize: will look into it.

5. Resize sidebar: will look into it.

6. You can view the items in research view, isn't it what you need? Also, you can search for specific items so the list will include only those that are relevant to you instead of scrolling forever for what you want.

7. Sidebar to close automatically: it was like that at the beginning but it was too annoying because once the mouse was out even by a pixel, it got closed.

8. Sidebar transparency: OK, the aero effect only affects the title bar/caption of the form.

9. add to favorite: In default view, if you click once where the favorite caption is, you will see the green star which means this item is in your favorite list. In research view you can either click inside the favorite cell of the relevant item or right click in order to add multiple items.

If you have more suggestions, do share.