muCommander - cross platform file manager

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muCommander - cross platform file manager

#1 Post by spillej »

There is a Norton like Commander written in Java. A portable version exist.

- Web Page:
- Current Version: 0.8.2
- Portable Download: ... ble.tar.gz
- Screenshorts:
- License: Free Software - GNU General Public License
- Description from the web side:
muCommander is a lightweight, cross-platform file manager featuring a Norton Commander style interface and running on any operating system with Java support (Mac OS X, Windows, Linux, *BSD, Solaris...).

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#2 Post by Ennovy »

this is really a nice find spillej but the application is written in java :wink:

quote from
For EXE portability, my preference is not to list any Java or .NET app
So I don't think Andrew wil ad it to the database

Btw: welcome to this forum :!:

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#3 Post by m^(2) »

Lightweight Java app :lol:

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#4 Post by fenixproductions »

m^(2) wrote:Lightweight Java app :lol:
"Oxymoron" - isn't it ;)
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#5 Post by bro »

0.8.3 Portable version: ... ble.tar.gz

If you already have JRE copied on your USB hard drive (I do, for portable use of Eclipse) you can run muCommander by running java.exe from \jre\bin with -jar mucommander.jar parametar. Make sure you set start directory to be directory of mucommander (Use Pstart or Executor).

That way you can use mucommander on any windows computer and don't care if java is installed on it. Later, when you encounter some linux distribution with java installed, you can use your familiar muCommander for file managing.

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Pasos para tener Mucommander Portable:

#6 Post by wachin »

Pasos para tener Mucommander Portable:

1) Descargue Java JRE
JRE = Java RunTime Enviroment ...

Da clic dentro de esa página en: "Todos los archivos de descarga de Java".
Luego Selecciona el que es para Windows(el siguiente link es para descargar Fuera de linea, es

decir lo puedo descargar en un cyber y me lo llevo a casa a instalarlo. El otro "En Linea es para

instalar teniendo internet en casa).

Aquí pongo la descarga directa (pongo lo de arriba por un caso algún día el link ya no sirve): ... leId=29219

Al poner el link que está arriba te pregunta una ventana si queires guardarlo pon que si.

2) Instale Java en su PC (o alguna PC)

3) Descargar Mucommander para Windows desde: ... -0_8_3.exe

(nota: descarta el *.exe NO el *.tar.gz)

4) Instale Java en su PC.

5) Vaya a:

C:\Archivos de programa\Java\jre6\

Y copie Todo lo que hay allí (toda la estructura intacta)

En su Pendrive cree una carpeta llamada "Mucommander Portable" y pegue allí todo (Deben estar

allí una carpeta que se llama "bin" y otra "lib", en la carpeta "bin" hay un archivo que se


6) Vaya a:

C:\Archivos de programa\Mucommander

Copie todo lo que hay allí, y pongalo dentro de la carpeta "bin", supongamos que su Pendrive

tiene la letra "G:", sería así:

[Este manual está hecho con los pasos que indica "bro" en el manual que él hizo: ... r=asc&high


Yo lo que he hecho es explicarlo paso por paso, step by step, gracías a "bro" es que pude saber

cómo tener Mucommander Portable. Dios te bendiga "bro", God Bless You "bro"]


Allí dentro debe estár (si lo hizo bien) el archivo: "muCommander.exe"

7): Abra una consola del simbolo del sistema, pero antes vea esto:

Datos necesarios:

alt + 92 = \
cd.. (ENTER) = Significa que debes escribir "cd.." y aplastar la tecla "ENTER" (no escribirla)


Inicio/Todos los Programas/Accesorios/Símbolo del Sistema

Sigan los pasos [NOTA:las cosas que pongo en corchetes son para explicar, eso no aparece ni

pongan en el simbolo del sistema]:

Microsoft Windows XP [Versión 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Jesús mi salvador>

C:\Documents and Settings\Jesús mi salvador>cd.. (ENTER)
C:\Documents and Settings>cd.. (ENTER)
C:\>G: (ENTER) ["G:" es el Pendrive, el mío. Ud vea qué letra tiene el suyo]

[En el pendrive está la carpeta que se llama: "Mucommander Portable", para entrar en ella poner


G:\>cd Mucommander Portable (ENTER)
G:\Mucommander Portable>
G:\Mucommander Portable>cd bin
G:\Mucommander Portable\bin>java.exe -jar mucommander.jar (ENTER)

OK, funciona. Ahora lo puede llevar donde lo necesites, a cualquier PC que no tenga instaldo java

Bendicones para todos.

"no mirando cada uno por lo suyo propio, sino cada cual también por lo de los otros.
Haya, pues, en vosotros este sentir que hubo también en Cristo Jesús," Filipenses 2:4-5

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#7 Post by MiDoJo »

Thinking google trans late will make the above comment make more sense
Steps to take Mucommander Portable:

1) Download Java JRE
JRE = Java Runtime Environment ...

Da click within that page: "All download files from Java".
Then select which is for Windows (the following link to download is offline, is

what can you say in a cyber and I'll take it home to install it. The other "Online is for

having to install internet at home).

I put the direct download here (put it up for a one day event and the link does not work): ... leId=29219

By putting the link up is a window asks you if you put that Queirós save.

2) Install Java on your PC (or PC)

3) Download for Windows Mucommander from: ... -0_8_3.exe

(note: DO NOT forget the *. exe *. tar.gz)

4) Install Java on your PC.

5) Go to:

C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jre6 \

And copy everything what is there (the entire structure intact)

In his Pendrive cree a folder called "Portable Mucommander" and paste it all (must be

there is a folder called "bin" and "lib" in folder "bin" is a file that is

called "java.exe").

6) Go to:

C: \ Program Files \ Mucommander

Copy everything there, and place it inside the folder "bin", suppose your Pendrive

has the letter "G" would be as follows:

[This is done manually with the steps that says "bro" in the manual he did: ... r=asc&high

= light

What I've done is to explain step by step, step by step, thanks to "bro" is that I know

how to Mucommander Portable. God bless you "bro," God Bless You "bro"]

G: \ Mucommander \ bin

There must be (if done well) the file: "muCommander.exe"

7) Open a console prompt, but before you see this:

Data needed:

alt + 92 = \
cd .. (ENTER) = means that you could type "cd .." and crush ENTER (not write)


Start / All Programs / Accessories / System Prompt

Follow the steps [NOTE: I put things in brackets are to explain, that there was no mention

symbol placed on the system]:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C: \ Documents and Settings \ Jesus my savior>

C: \ Documents and Settings \ Jesus my savior> cd .. (ENTER)
C: \ Documents and Settings> cd .. (ENTER)
C: \> G: (ENTER) [ "G" is the Pendrive, mine. You see what letter has its own]
G: \>

[The pen is the folder that is named: "Portable Mucommander," put it to enter


G: \> cd Mucommander Portable (ENTER)
G: \ Portable Mucommander>
G: \ Portable Mucommander> cd bin
G: \ Portable Mucommander \ bin> java.exe-jar mucommander.jar (ENTER)

OK, it works. Now you can take where you need it, to any PC that does not have java installed

Bendicones for all.

"not looking for what each his own, but also for each of the others.
Has, therefore, you feel that this was also in Christ Jesus "Philippians 2:4-5
:shock: was wrong

WHATTTTT!!!!! por favor, habla en english

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#8 Post by wachin »

MiDoJo wrote:Thinking google trans late will make the above comment make more sense
Steps to take Mucommander Portable:

1) Download Java JRE
JRE = Java Runtime Environment ...

Da click within that page: "All download files from Java".
Then select which is for Windows (the following link to download is offline, is

what can you say in a cyber and I'll take it home to install it. The other "Online is for

having to install internet at home).

I put the direct download here (put it up for a one day event and the link does not work): ... leId=29219

By putting the link up is a window asks you if you put that Queirós save.

2) Install Java on your PC (or PC)

3) Download for Windows Mucommander from: ... -0_8_3.exe

(note: DO NOT forget the *. exe *. tar.gz)

4) Install Java on your PC.

5) Go to:

C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jre6 \

And copy everything what is there (the entire structure intact)

In his Pendrive cree a folder called "Portable Mucommander" and paste it all (must be

there is a folder called "bin" and "lib" in folder "bin" is a file that is

called "java.exe").

6) Go to:

C: \ Program Files \ Mucommander

Copy everything there, and place it inside the folder "bin", suppose your Pendrive

has the letter "G" would be as follows:

[This is done manually with the steps that says "bro" in the manual he did: ... r=asc&high

= light

What I've done is to explain step by step, step by step, thanks to "bro" is that I know

how to Mucommander Portable. God bless you "bro," God Bless You "bro"]

G: \ Mucommander \ bin

There must be (if done well) the file: "muCommander.exe"

7) Open a console prompt, but before you see this:

Data needed:

alt + 92 = \
cd .. (ENTER) = means that you could type "cd .." and crush ENTER (not write)


Start / All Programs / Accessories / System Prompt

Follow the steps [NOTE: I put things in brackets are to explain, that there was no mention

symbol placed on the system]:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C: \ Documents and Settings \ Jesus my savior>

C: \ Documents and Settings \ Jesus my savior> cd .. (ENTER)
C: \ Documents and Settings> cd .. (ENTER)
C: \> G: (ENTER) [ "G" is the Pendrive, mine. You see what letter has its own]
G: \>

[The pen is the folder that is named: "Portable Mucommander," put it to enter


G: \> cd Mucommander Portable (ENTER)
G: \ Portable Mucommander>
G: \ Portable Mucommander> cd bin
G: \ Portable Mucommander \ bin> java.exe-jar mucommander.jar (ENTER)

OK, it works. Now you can take where you need it, to any PC that does not have java installed

Bendicones for all.

"not looking for what each his own, but also for each of the others.
Has, therefore, you feel that this was also in Christ Jesus "Philippians 2:4-5
:shock: was wrong

WHATTTTT!!!!! por favor, habla en english

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Re: MuCommander

#9 Post by webfork »

I finally tested today using PortableApp's Java stuff and it looks like we have a way to run Java applications portably now.

  1. Download the portable JAR file version of muCommander (
  2. Save both Java Portable and Java Portable Launcher to a folder. If it isn't already, make sure Java portable is under "\CommonFiles\Java" or the laucher won't recognize it
  3. Start the Laucher program and open the muCommander.jar.
muCommander appears to work great. Settings are saved under JavaPortableLauncher\Data\AppData\.mucommander

The program appears to save some temp information to LocalSettings\Temp, but appears to be portable.

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Re: MuCommander

#10 Post by bro »

You can use -p switch to tell muCommander where to save settings.

I use batch file to run muCommander.jar portably without "Java Portable Launcher".

Code: Select all

@echo off
start %~dp0\..\CommonFiles\Java\bin\javaw.exe -jar %~dp0\mucommander.jar -p %~dp0\.mucommander

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Re: MuCommander

#11 Post by webfork »

bro wrote:You can use -p switch to tell muCommander where to save settings.

I use batch file to run muCommander.jar portably without "Java Portable Launcher".
Very cool. Thanks!

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Re: MuCommander

#12 Post by webfork »


This is our first Java program, so the instructions might be a little long, but I was trying to be thorough.

bro: I used your batch file text in the entry, but I had to add some ""s to make it work on my XP system.

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Re: MuCommander

#13 Post by webfork »

muCommander extract instructions:
  1. Download the portable TAR.GZ package and extract to a folder named muCommander. You may need to extract the .GZ and the .TAR file separately, depending on your extraction program.
  2. Download and extract jPortable CommonFiles\Java directory in the same folder you put the muCommander folder. (For example.: g:\portable\muCommander with g:\portable\CommonFiles\Java)
  3. Create a text file and paste the green text below:

    Code: Select all

    @echo off
    @start "" "%~dp0\..\CommonFiles\Java\bin\javaw.exe" -jar "%~dp0mucommander.jar" -p "%~dp0.mucommander"
  4. Save to the muCommander folder as startmucommander.bat
  5. Launch startmucommander.bat
Last edited by webfork on Sun Dec 08, 2013 1:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: (updated formatting, jPortable, and a few other bits)

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Re: MuCommander

#14 Post by m^(2) »

It's an old news, but muCommander supports portable file associations, which is a great feature.

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Re: MuCommander

#15 Post by webfork »

m^(2) wrote:It's an old news, but muCommander supports portable file associations, which is a great feature.
Very cool -- good to know. I guess that addresses this issue.

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