Files associations in Windows 10 (the double-click problem)

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Re: Files associations in Windows 10 (the double-click problem)

#16 Post by billon »

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Re: Files associations in Windows 10 (the double-click problem)

#17 Post by webfork »

billon wrote: Thu Dec 17, 2020 3:38 am FileTypesMan
Thanks -- I'm disappointed I didn't check Nirsoft first on this one. It's definitely better than the default process -- you still have to go through those steps I mentioned in the first entry once (Right-Click, Open with, etc.) and then it will appear in the list of available tools (as below with VLC Portable):

Below: a screenshot of FileTypesMan - Editing the MP4 file association

There is unfortunately no method to change a group of files in batch, which would be great because several media files starting with "MP-" as in the image below would be great to modify all at once.

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Re: Files associations in Windows 10 (the double-click problem)

#18 Post by webfork »

Another possible workaround ... this time with the not portable Default Programs Editor. It's not specifically much faster than other items mentioned above, and doesn't seem to work on files in batch, but you can at least turn off Window's default associations:
  1. Launch the program and open the "Default Programs Settings".
  2. Select one of the programs you don't wish to use. In this example let's say we want to remove associations with the default Windows Media player.

    Below: screenshot of the Default Programs Settings screen (Win10)

  3. Click "Select All" twice to unselect all file associations.

    Below: screenshot of the extensions covered by Windows Media Player (Win10)

You will then ALWAYS get a prompt for those media types, where you can select from any previously launched program. This cuts out several steps vs. the original route.

Frustratingly the much maligned photo viewer as discussed here doesn't show up. Just the old TIFF viewer.

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