FileOptimizer - broad format compression

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Re: FileOptimizer - broad format compression

#136 Post by webfork »

Some years ago I was working on download packages that featured a LOT of individual files from PDFs, DOCs, ZIP files, and more. These took up a huge amount of time, space, and bandwidth so I had a lot of reason to get deeply involved in FileOptimizer and really learn it's ins and outs. One thing that hasn't changed over the past few years is taking a really long time on some of the larger files, in this case 30 minutes compressing a 44 meg DOCX file.


I guess my question is whether or not this is really a problem. If you're running a program like FileOptimizer, it's not for a few kilobytes of additional data, but because you need to shrink it down and you want every resource to handle that.


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Re: FileOptimizer - broad format compression

#137 Post by webfork »

Some usage notes for image compression on the latest version of FileOptimizer ...

JPEG file tests

I got some amazing compression from files saved via nomacs compressed to an amazing 30% without noticable quality difference. Having done a lot of work in this area, I have to be clear that this is outstanding. My settings for the program were to use lossy optimizations and a #7 level optimization (as in the image below).
Processing took a little over 1 min on Win10 with a reasonably new i5 processor.

PNG file tests

On simple screen captures (like the one pictured above) regularly cut in half, which is also much better than my standard tools achieve, though it took some time. You can also just delete pngwolf.exe to avoid the slowest included compression tool.
Anyway, I'm thrilled to say this program just keeps getting better over time and recommend everyone use it for any posts saved to popular entries here on PFW and elsewhere.


Related thread: mozjpeg - one of several tools used by FileOptmizer to help compress images

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Re: FileOptimizer - broad format compression

#138 Post by webfork »

This is a few years old now, but someone over at Betanews ran a test of PNG optimization (using a non-freeware program) compared to FileOptimizer: ... ompressor/

Even if it were freeware, I'd probably stick with FO because there's so many caveats for the highlighted program program (many of them listed in the article). It's also been a few years old and FO may have caught up in terms of compression. Mainly it's just nice to see FO treated as the baseline for this kind of test.

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Re: FileOptimizer - broad format compression

#139 Post by billon »

Most likely it uses one of the compressors already presented in FileOptimizer, just slow presets with many iterations, maybe zopfli. There are no new magical compression methods.

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