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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 6:15 am
by jabuTBackup
Hello @smaragdus ,

no problem. I'm still improving many things here and there. Old code is the worst. Often I say to myself "What did I do here years ago?" :lol:

But the current state is:
- 85 things added, improved, changed or fixed.

To improve the performance was one of my main goals and I think I reached it.

Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 12:52 pm
by jabuTBackup
I am finally proud to tell you all, jaBuT Backup Version 10 has been released.
All changes can be found here:

The next update will probably contain a server-client-feature and finally a manual.

You can now also find me on Twitter to always have the newest information about the development.
The official Twitter-Account is called @jaBuTBackup. I'm watching all hashtags called #jabut , #backup and so on.

Re: jaBuT

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 1:54 pm
by smaragdus
Thank you for the notification of the new version, a great piece of news.
I see there is an enormous number of changes, I need some time to test the new release. When I finish the tests I will share my impressions here.
Once again, thank you very much for your diligent work on jaBuT.

Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 2:00 pm
by jabuTBackup
Hello @smaragdus.

Absolutely no problem. Yes, the changed and fixes are numerous. I hope I fixed everything what I messed up in the end of 2014.

Re: jaBuT

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:24 pm
by smaragdus
I encountered a problem in the latest version of jaBuT and sent you some info about it via e-mail.

Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 12:53 am
by jabuTBackup
Hello @smaragdus,

the bug has been fixed. The new update is on the server and can also be downloaded through the updater.
Thank you very much!

Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 5:42 am
by FileHandler
Thanks for providing this tool adware-free and without any of the rip-off schemes that have given other backup software a bad name.

The interface is very much self-explanatory, but for the commandline parameters it were nice to have a list of possible parameters. What I'd like to do is call up a profile silently and when it completes, have the program exit again - with a final message that the profile was run successfully.

Btw, the red ink on red BG is hard to read for files that are scheduled for deletion.
Could you possibly provide an option for larger font sizes?

Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 6:53 am
by jabuTBackup
Hello FileHandler.

Thank you very much for your interest in my software product and for your feedback.

I will continue this evening to built a new release version. Here in my country it's currently 04:34 PM // 16:34 o'clock.
I will also pick up your feedback and implement something for changing the font size.

Just one question: do you mean an option for changing the font size of the whole program or just for the preview dialouge?

About ad-ware and things like this:
jabuT Backup will never ever contain ad-ware or other bad things. The installer is also totally clean of any bad things.
Because of privacy reasons, the function "Anonymous user data collection" is now disabled by default too.

If this option is enabled, jaBuT sends every 14 days data like this (just changed it from 7 to 14 days):

Code: Select all

[info=1]CPU Type:Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4590 CPU @ 3.30GHz;CPU Data Width:64;CPU Current Clock:2871;CPU Max Clock:3301;CPU Current Load:25;CPU Cores:4;CPU Logical Cores:4;[info=2]OS Name:Windows 7 Home Premium Edition;OS Kernel Type:64bit;OS Version:6.1.7601;OS Service Pack:1.0;OS Time:1473419121;OS Running:1715856;OS Language:1031;Physical Memory:8444653568;Free Physical Memory:3705942016;[info=3]Version:10.0.38;Architecture:32bit;Profile Count:13;Use Auto Update:1;Use Silent Update:0;Show Progress:1;Show Progress only in main window:0;Show Progress Details:0;Show Tray Popup:1;
Nothing special :)

A warning: currently jaBuT is detected as "DRep" by Avast. I already sent all files to Avast and I got the following answer today:
Hi again,

Our virus specialists have been working on this problem and it has now been resolved. The provided file has been whitelisted and it won't be detected by Avast anymore.

Please note that the DomainRep (DRep) detection blocks EXE file downloads if these conditions are all met:

The file is not prevalent enough, ie. not enough Avast users launched the file yet,
The domain is not prevalent enough, ie. not enough Avast users downloaded (any) EXE files from the domain yet,
The file is not signed or Avast does not trust the signature.

Once one of these conditions are not met anymore, Avast will stop automatically flagging the download. In other words, just wait until more people try to download the file, or digitally sign your files.

Please also check the following articles about Avast virus policy:

Avast Clean Guidelines:
Avast File Whitelisting:

We are sorry for the inconvenience. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact me again.

Best regards,
Prokop Kalivoda
Avast Technical Support Specialist
The problem is: jaBuT Updater is downloading 2 exe-files from the server when updating:
- jaBuT Updater.exe
- jaBuT.exe

This is not very good and i didn't know that. Because of that, Avast is complaining with a DRep message.
but for the commandline parameters it were nice to have a list of possible parameters.
Have a look at this:
For your special case you could use the following for now:
jabut.exe -runprofile YourProfile -silent -exit
You can also create a bat-file containing:
start "" "<your path to jaBuT.exe>" -runprofile "YourProfile " -silent -exit
This list will be updated also this evening. But currently everything important is in the list.
(...) with a final message that the profile was run successfully.
I will think about this how to implement this.
I continue this evening and I'm waiting for your answer about the font-resizer-option :)

Re: jaBuT

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 9:29 am
by smaragdus

First, thank you for the immediate fix. I checked version and the problem seems to be solved.

As I once promised I added jaBuT to the database. You (and anyone else) may vote to make jaBuT database entry public and visible (now it is private and invisible).

I need more time for testing. If encounter any problems I will notify you.

One tiny suggestion- I have noticed that in File menu Minimize to system tray uses Strg+M key abbreviation, I think that for the English-speaking world Ctrl+M would look/sound more natural, screen shot below.


Some stuff related not to jaBuT but to your web-site:

At processing modes page you say that:
jaBuT Backup has overall seven processing modes.
I think they are eight.

Providing hashes (SHA256) at your download page is great but currently these hashes cannot be copied (or at least- easily copied), please consider making these hashes easy to copy.

A question- what happened to your other programs FindInFile and jB Checksum verifier which were once available for download at your web-site (the page is gone now)?

One more question- have you ever tried to run jaBuT under Windows XP/Windows Vista?

If you don't like the screen-shot for the jaBuT database entry, please provide a better one, I am not good at graphics processing.

Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 12:49 pm
by jabuTBackup
current status:

Done: Program: colors in preview dialouge changed/improved
Done: Program: added a special parameter to show a "little" summary after all profiles have been executed (displays even in Silent Mode)
Done: Program: added compatibility to show CTRL instead of STRG for menu shortcuts
Done: Website: parameterlist updated
Done: Website: added fields which give the possibility to copy the SHA256-Hash

ToDo: Program: add a solution to change the font size. Waiting for FileHandler's answer.

To the database entry:
Screenshots: I really like the screenshots! You do not need to change them. I couldn't make them better.
Windows XP+: jaBuT Backup also works on Windows XP and Windows Vista.
Stuff: for a renewal of the website I deactivated the subdomain temporary. The tools will come back normally. Maybe the Text-Finder tool won't come back online because I do not have the source codes anymore and this tool is a little buggy.
As I once promised I added jaBuT to the database. You (and anyone else) may vote to make jaBuT database entry public and visible
Thank you very much for this.
I just voted.
There has just been a little change: jaBuT Backup is now "Freeware" for everyone. I removed all this Licence-Stuff completely.

Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 1:40 pm
by FileHandler
Whoa - you're really at it, I didn't expect things to get rolling this fast, all the better :D

All custom font settings are welcome. Being able to customize both, the interface fonts as well as those in the preview - that would be awesome.

I know it's a pain these days, with various high DPI screens out there, not to mention I recently messed up my system real bad and still suffer from fonts not scaling at all to Windows settings..

Interestingly though, programs that handle it on their own, without relying on Windows too much, are the easiest to adapt across machines and OS. No matter how you decide to handle it - editable ini-settings or even GUI options - I will happily make use of it.

I really appreciate your policy of not bundling adware or other deceptive strategies. 8)

Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 2:17 pm
by jabuTBackup
no. I hate adware and I hate programs shipping adware with it (e.g. inside the installer).
jaBuT Backup will stay clean and free of all this.

Mhh.. tomorrow I will try to implement the idea I have in my head currently. I hope it works and Windows Scaling will not damage everything.
Whoa - you're really at it, I didn't expect things to get rolling this fast, all the better :D
I will never stop doing what I love :mrgreen: The last pause (nearly 1 year and a half) was enough for me.

I just tested a little bit with font resizing, font changing and all this. I think currently it's not really possible.
I would need to change absolutely everything to make the program scale correctly.

It's on my ToDo-List and I like this idea because of this, I'll try to implement it. But I hope you you aren't angry if I say, I make it later and other things (Server-Client, FTP) before.

Re: jaBuT

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 5:07 pm
by smaragdus
Thanks to billon for voting and thus helping jaBuT become public. Thanks to him for editing the entry adding XP and Vista to the supported OS.

I am sorry that you lost the code of FindInFile (I still have a copy of version 2.0.3 Build 61), my only complaint about it was that it was not portable (writing to AppData).

I like jaBuT preview window but I have just one question- it shows visually that folders will be deleted in the destination but doesn't show the same way that folders will be created in the destination:


Shouldn't the folders which would be created in the destination also be shown visually as icons and the files inside these folders- below them or as sub-items?

One more question about the Mirror copy mode- if file A is equal both in source and destination, will A from source overwrite A in destination or it will be skipped? I think if the file is the same in both source and destination it should not be overwritten even in Mirror copy mode, perhaps => symbol should be replaced by = and when A in source is equal to A in destination it is shown A=A and the destination file is not overwritten but skipped.

Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 3:36 am
by jabuTBackup
Hello @smaragdus,

thank you for your answer. Yes you are totally right. Files inside these folder should be better displayed in sub-items. I think I will implement this also in one of the future updates if it's possible and not too crazy to handle.

About Mirror copy:
I've changed it a bit now.
- If the Source File is equal to Destination File, the file modification dates will be checked.
- - If the modification date of the Source File is newer than the date of the Destination File, the source file comes into the list with a normal white background
- - If the modification date of the Source File is older than the date of the Destination File, the source file comes into the list with a yellow background

- If the Source File is equal to Destination File and the file modification dates are also equal, the file does not come into the list at all.

Is this OK like this?

Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 6:25 am
by jabuTBackup

1) a little update is being released either this evening or in a few days

2) upcoming new feature (very soon if everything is fine)
- when executing e.g. 4 profiles:
-- profile 1 is being prepared, the preview dialouge will be displayed and the profile will be executed.
When the profile run is finished, the same happens with profile 2, 3 and so on.

The new feature in future:
- just display one time the preview dialouge for all profiles before executing profile 1 and show all shedeuled files at once.
-- maybe with an extra option where you can select your personal favourite (show one preview dialouge for each profile or one for all together)

I really don't know how many time this takes. But I hope I can realize this very fast.