muCommander - cross platform file manager

Submit portable freeware that you find here. It helps if you include information like description, extraction instruction, Unicode support, whether it writes to the registry, and so on.
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Re: MuCommander

#16 Post by m^(2) »

Yep. In my Total Commander it worked great.
muCommander associations seems less flexible, but I think they should be enough.

However, I stopped using muCommander already. The reason was a total lack of search capabilities. Any search capabilities, I couldn't believe it, but it just can't do it.

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Re: MuCommander

#17 Post by thepiney »

webfork wrote:muCommander extract instructions:
  1. Download the portable TAR.GZ package and extract to a folder named muCommander. (You may need to extract the GZ and the TAR file separately, depending on your extraction program.)
  2. Download and extract Portable Java CommonFiles directory in the same folder you put the muCommander folder. (e.g.: g:\muCommander with g:\CommonFiles)
  3. Create a text file with the following contents:
      • @echo off
        @start "" "%~dp0\..\CommonFiles\Java\bin\javaw.exe" -jar "%~dp0mucommander.jar" -p "%~dp0.mucommander"
  4. Save the file to the \muCommander folder as mucommander.bat and run the file.
Hello all!

First post but long time lurker... I'd like to thank all you guys for the great information as I've been using many of your suggestions over the last couple years or so. Now on to the post...

How about just keeping the java files in the PortableApps\ directory and using:

@echo off
@start "" "%root%\PortableApps\CommonFiles\Java\bin\javaw.exe" -jar "%~dp0mucommander.jar" -p "%~dp0.mucommander"

I have been using the -Duser.home=%CD% string in batch filed for java apps for quite a while but that doesn't work on many programs so --- Thank you bro for the information.

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Re: MuCommander

#18 Post by joby_toss »

It's easy enough to make it work with Java Portable, so I voted for it.

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Re: MuCommander

#19 Post by webfork »

joby_toss wrote:It's easy enough to make it work with Java Portable, so I voted for it.
Ha! I added this almost 3 years ago and now it's finally live :) Good stuff.

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Re: MuCommander

#20 Post by webfork »

There's also now an X-muCommander:

Great to see.

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Re: muCommander - cross platform file manager

#21 Post by webfork »

I'm sad to report that muCommander development appears to be offline. The last update was in 2012, the last nightly was Dec 2013, and site forums are offline. Hopefully this is just a hiccup.

It's a real shame because this is the only cross-platform file manager apart from Double Commander, which doesn't have the number of features or connectivity that muCommander enjoys. I really like the file transfer tools and it's the only file manager I use on Mac aside from the (occasionally very stupid) native interface.

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Re: muCommander - cross platform file manager

#22 Post by webfork »

[Moderator note: posts about trolCommander were given their own thread.]

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Re: muCommander 0.9.1

#23 Post by smaragdus »

muCommander at version 0.9.1, downloads and changes:
muCommander v0.9.1

What's new since v0.9 ?

New features:
- Lock tab capability, which prevents closing/moving the tab or changing its location.
- New quick list that presents open tabs in the current panel, mapped onto Alt+6 by default (ticket #450).
- Added the option to set fixed title for tab.
- Added the following actions: add tab, duplicate tab, clone tab to other panel.
- Added support for VMware vSphere virtual machines file system, contributed by Yuval Kohavi <>

- The state of all windows from last run is now restored on startup.
- Added the ability to copy the base name of files (ticket #462), contributed by Chen Rozenes.
- User can choose to always display tabs headers from preferences dialog (even when the panel contains single tab).
- Add the application name to window title on all OSs except Mac OS X (ticket #501).
- The visited locations history is now saved per-tab.
- The recently visited locations quick list now presents the visited locations on all tabs and windows.
- The content of recently visited locations quick list is now restored from previous run on startup (ticket #471).
- Added fullscreen support for Mac OS X Lion (ticket #468).
- Text file editor/viewer restore the full screen mode of last used (closed) editor/viewer on startup.
- 'Bonjour' support is now disabled by default on Mac OS (on fresh installation, i.e, with no previous
preferences) to prevent firewall dialog which keeps popping up on startup (workaround for ticket #339).
- Added 'ctrl+m' keystroke to toggle text file editor/viewer full screen mode.
- Tab can be closed by clicking on its header with middle mouse button.
- Assign 'ctrl+page_down' keystroke for switching to next tab, and 'ctrl+page_up' for switching to
previous tab (the keystrokes that were previously assigned to those actions remain as alternative keystrokes).
- Improved names and descriptions presented for tab-related actions.
- Added new category of actions in the 'shortcuts dialog' for tab-related actions.
- Changed tab's not-fixed-title to be in the pattern '<host>:<filename>'
- Show backward/forward locations list when pressing with right click on the back/forward buttons in the toolbar
instead of trigger back/forward actions
- Keyboard shortcuts can now be set for commands defined at commands.xml (ticket #456), contributed by Jarek Czekalski.
- Show empty name in the make file/directory dialog when it is opened (ticket #512), contributed by hclsiva.
- Mac OS X: enabled high-resolution rendering on Retina displays (ticket #518), contributed Alexey Lysiuk.
- System files can now be filtered also on windows, contributed by Markus Bullmann.
- Added Windows 8, 8.1 and 10; and Mac OS X 10.8, 10.9, 10.10, 10.11 and 10.12 to the OS versions.

- Turkish translation has been updated.

Bug fixes:
- Prevent deadlock which caused the application to freeze while switching tabs on MAC OS.
- Recycle Bin is now working on Windows 64-bit with a 64-bit Java runtime (ticket #234).
- Key combinations that contain the TAB key can be set as shortcuts (ticket #465).
- Fix installation via software center on Ubuntu.
- Symbolic links cannot be opened (ticket #467).
- Encoding of text file is changed after being modified by the viewer/editor (ticket #438).
- Cannot connect to some FTP/SFTP bookmarks if there are more than 4 of them (ticket #525), contributed by Ondrej Dusek.
- Quick lists on the right panel sometimes not being focused (ticket #552), contributed by Jarek Czekalski.

Known issues:
- Some translations may not be up-to-date.
- Mac OS X: "Do you want the application "" to accept incoming network connections?" dialog keeps popping
up on startup even if the dialog has been previously accepted (ticket #339), when 'Bonjour' support is enabled.
- Executable permissions on local files are not properly preserved when running a unix-based OS with Java 1.5.
- SMB support may not work properly on non multi-language JRE.
- 'Copy files to clipboard' not working with some applications (files are not pasted).
- Mac OS X: some keyboard shortcuts may conflict with global system shortcuts.
- Authentication issues when using several sets of credentials (login/password) for the same server (see ticket #76).
- Untrusted HTTPS connections are allowed without a warning.
- Windows Vista/7: " Permission denied: recv failed" error can appear when trying to access FTP
sites. This seems to be a Windows firewall problem, with a possible workaround: ... id=7077696
- Unpacking files from 7z archive files can be slow.
muCommander version 0.9.1 has grown in size significantly- it is 18,839 KB compressed while muCommander version 0.9.0 is only 4,211 KB compressed.

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Re: muCommander - cross platform file manager

#24 Post by webfork »

smaragdus wrote:muCommander at version 0.9.1
Wow, I did NOT expect that. Great news.

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Re: muCommander - cross platform file manager

#25 Post by webfork »

Had some trouble getting the latest update working according to our current instructions, even with some tweaks. Has anyone else messed with this?

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Andrew Lee
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Re: muCommander - cross platform file manager

#26 Post by Andrew Lee »

The latest version (1.2.0) works for me, but I am not using jPortable (JRE locally installed).

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