Stop PEStudio Updates

All suggestions about TPFC should be posted here. Discussions about changes to TPFC will also be carried out here.
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Re: Stop PEStudio Updates

#16 Post by Gunner »

lajjal wrote:So why are they writing these apps? Some here would say out of the goodness of their heart, a sense of altruism. I say so they get resume fodder, bring people to their own site, and begin grooming their app for a "professional version".
Hmm, I don't even work in any type of computer industry... I work in construction and do all my coding AFTER work in MY spare time... And it IS out of the kindness of my heart... Not for a pro version or to pad my resume... don't think I really ever needed a resume... Most of the stuff I have I wrote for myself and decided to release it to help others out... So, I guess even free stuff can't please you... :wink:

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Re: Stop PEStudio Updates

#17 Post by computerfreaker »

webfork wrote:In the off chance that the author of PEStudio should see this forum:

Do not change your software release schedule. I've said this already in another forum but its critical we not even suggest that we're telling you how to release YOUR software, which we are getting GRATIS. That would be irrational and totally counter-productive. It is a well-worn idea in software projects to release early and release often. This is our issue, not yours and our site admin already tackled this:
Andrew Lee wrote:It's entirely his business how he wants to run his show.
Edit: I emailed KidSafe developer who already participated in this discussion (computerfreaker) to say essentially the same thing.
Thanks for the support, webfork.
Personally, I think the release early and release often model makes perfect sense, and I'll continue to use it for my apps. If someone says I'm releasing too often I will listen, but unless I really am releasing way too often it's not likely I'll change models.
lajjal wrote:The idea that these developers are doing this site a favor by posting their programs here is ludicrous. I don't know the hit rate here but it must be quite high. Where else can they get this kind of unfettered exposure? I know of no other site that supports a release rate like this and word has gotten around.
It's a mutually-beneficial relationship, IMHO. We provide users with portable software and Portable Freeware provides us with some exposure and, sometimes, some development help. Everyone does everyone else a favor. And yes, it really is possible for people to do each other favors without any money changing hands.
lajjal wrote:This is my take on PEStudio. The programmer writes the app and tests it a little bit then posts an update here. Now two things happen that are entirely in the developer's interest. They get a small army of beta testers and they put themselves right on top on the opening page here. The more often they release the more likely they are to be on top when someone stops by.

So why are they writing these apps? Some here would say out of the goodness of their heart, a sense of altruism. I say so they get resume fodder, bring people to their own site, and begin grooming their app for a "professional version".
You're nuts.
We write these apps for the users, not for "resume fodder" or for a "professional version". For KidSafe, now would be the ideal time to turn out a "professional version". There's been no update for several months, but users know I'm working on an entirely new version with some nice new features. If I wanted to, I could set up a new homepage and collect $5 per download. I could probably make at least a few hundred dollars this way, maybe even a thousand or two if I keep at it. Others could do exactly the same thing with their apps, but we don't and we won't. I doubt KidSafe will ever even have one measly "Donate" button, and I have yet to find such a button in most of the freeware/FOSS apps I use. Most of the apps I use, btw, are from this site.

If we're doing this to pad our pockets, where's the money? Show me the money I make. Show me the money Gunner makes. Show me the money any of us "little guys" makes.

Heck, Mozilla gets a fair amount of ad money from Google, yet nobody challenges Firefox's position as freeware or questions their update schedule. We get - and request - no money at all, yet you're going to say we're doing it "for the money"? There's something seriously messed up there.

And if we do decide to create a "professional version", what's wrong with that? If we choose to cripple the freeware versions of our apps, they will be removed from Portable Freeware, as is fair and just. If we don't cripple them, where's the damage done to you or anyone else? Nobody's forcing you to buy the paid version of a freeware app. That's a call you get to make. If you don't want to drop the cash, don't. Nobody will care.

If we choose to do this to pad our resumes, once again, where's the harm? We get resume entries, you get an app. At the end of the day, you're better off and so are we, and so are the companies that just hired us. Everybody's happy.

If we do this to get ad money, I ask you yet again, where's the damage? If you don't like ads, get an ad blocker. There are some nice free ones, you know, the ones made by devs who wanted to help out frustrated users and clean up their Internet experience and didn't even ask for money in exchange.
lajjal wrote:It is completely this site admin's right to run things that way. Let's just be realistic about the motives of the developers.
Yeah, let's be realistic, please. And that means no more damaging, untrue accusations. I said last time, if you want to make such accusations please take them to PM. I say this time, if you want to make such accusations do it elsewhere.
Gunner wrote:
lajjal wrote:So why are they writing these apps? Some here would say out of the goodness of their heart, a sense of altruism. I say so they get resume fodder, bring people to their own site, and begin grooming their app for a "professional version".
Hmm, I don't even work in any type of computer industry... I work in construction and do all my coding AFTER work in MY spare time... And it IS out of the kindness of my heart... Not for a pro version or to pad my resume... don't think I really ever needed a resume... Most of the stuff I have I wrote for myself and decided to release it to help others out... So, I guess even free stuff can't please you... :wink:
QFT, especially the part I bolded.
webfork wrote:Whether you're trolling or really do have this extremely black-and-white view of the world as only existing in dollars and cents, its not productive to the discussion.
Also QFT.


Now, to attempt to contribute something useful to the discussion at hand...
I think apps should be allowed to update as often as they please. If that's 5 times a day, so be it. If that's 5 times a month, so be it. If that's once a year, well, that works too.

Whether those updates display here on TPFC, though, should be a different matter. Some of us do release early, release often, and stay on the front page over half the time. It would probably be a good thing to let apps that are updated less frequently have their day in the sun, too.

I'll renew my support of the "one front-page update per X days, maybe an emergency update if it's really an emergency" idea I supported during our last discussion. I think an "emergency" can be defined by some very narrow guidelines:
* The app could crash or BSOD the host PC
* A vulnerability could be remotely exploited to take over the host PC
* The app could cause major data corruption or data loss on the host PC

If the app updates multiple times during those X days, at the end of the waiting period the last update would be pushed to the front page and a new waiting period would begin.

Yeah, it's a very rough idea and doubtless has some flaws I'm just too tired to see right now. So, pick away!

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Re: Stop PEStudio Updates

#18 Post by GeddichNixan »

Gosh, this discussion makes me dizzy! For goodness sake, why are there so many people who think that they are ownig the truth?

People are different and their motives are different, isn't that obvious? There definitely are freeware developers, who are developing in expectation of future income and who use a platform like TPFC for this reason. What's wrong with that? There are also true altruists who simply have a nice idea and they only want to make this world a better place. I am happy to know there are still such "dinosaurs". And guess what, there are also people who's motives are a kind of a mixture of those two or they have a third kind which you never even would think of.

I for my person do not think that there is anything wrong with using TPFC for gaining attention for a project. I do not think it is wrong when a freeware developer "abuses" me as a free beta tester. I am a willing victim of such an abuse as well as I am happily profiting from other peoples' altruism. For what reason ever a developer releases a freeware I am profiting from his work and am greatful for that. For what reason ever, he (or she) offers me a benefit which I do not have to pay for, at least not with money, or not at all.

No one has to use a freeware or TPFC. If one doesn't like the motives (or better "possible motives") of a developer or of the freeware developers in genral, simply do not support them and do not use their software. It is just that simple.

Now back to the original question. It is quite unnerving for me when I see a new update for PeStudio or any other software every second day. But I also have to admit that there may be "update fetishists", who wouldn't ever miss an update. Why should TPFC rather serve my needs and not of the fetishists'? I don't know. So when I see yet another update for PeStudio tomorrow again, I will do like I have done so far. I will think "No, not again!" and will skip that version, or install it, if I like (well, I have my "update attacks" sometimes). If this is the price I have to "pay" for a great service (of TPFC and of the freeware developers) than I will willingly pay it.... or just let it be, if I don't want to do so any longer.

BTW, I don't think that the frequent appereance of a certain program in the RSS feed or update list makes the feed or list less useful in general. It is only bothersome and the developer (or the poster of the updates) risks that once people are fed up with updating a software every now and then, they will update less frequently and thus possibly miss a truly important update or will stop using the software at all. It is, in my opinion, a possible result of too frequent updates that users think it is not a very serious concept, a kind of a "patchwork program" or it is rather a very immature piece of software which needs some pampering every now and then.

Each time I check TPFC I browse trough the news back to the point where they where at my last visit. So I won't miss any new or updated program even if the front page is occupied by any single app for weeks. Seeing PeStudio on the front page at every second visit is unnerving though, but not that much of a problem for me (= sinlgle personal opinion, definitely not the TRUTH, however one may define the truth).

So, dear freeware developers, thanks for all your work. Please keep on "abusing" me with your free stuff, or keep on making this world a better place, if that is the reason why you are developing a free software. I don't mind either one of those motives. Update as often as you think it is appropriate, every second day, once a month or not at all. And please don't get upset, if you see any "untrue accusation" concerning your work. It is just one opinion of many and if you think it is not true as far as you are concerned simply ignore it. "If it's not your shirt, don't put it on." as a saying has it.

May everyone have his own opinion, every programmer code for what reason he likes to do so (virus programers explicitly excluded) and update as often as he likes.

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Re: Stop PEStudio Updates

#19 Post by lajjal »

Yeah, let's be realistic, please. And that means no more damaging, untrue accusations. I said last time, if you want to make such accusations please take them to PM. I say this time, if you want to make such accusations do it elsewhere.
No problem, happy to oblige. The supply of rose colored glasses here is endless. Any dissent is squashed like a bug. As apparently all would like, I resign this love fest. Please remove my registration.

One last note. Nobody refuted my arguments. They just cited exceptions which exist of course.


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Re: Stop PEStudio Updates

#20 Post by webfork »

lajjal wrote:One last note. Nobody refuted my arguments. They just cited exceptions which exist of course.
lajjal wrote:I say so they get resume fodder, bring people to their own site, and begin grooming their app for a "professional version".
Its easy to refute a subversive financial objective for the software when there's so little evidence that one is present.

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