OnionFruit Connect [DotNET Tor client]

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OnionFruit Connect [DotNET Tor client]

#1 Post by rbon »

OnionFruit Connect 2020.318.0 released at mar 18, 2020

OnionFruit Connect: is a Free Tor Gateway
OnionFruit Nodes: 8,269 Servers, 101 Countries, 56.0 GB/s Bandwidth

This Windows application allows You surfing in anonymous way using Tor with your preferred browser, for example Chromium.
Regardless of the configuration you opt for, the program encrypts all the data you send to your browser but also the info exchanged with apps outside it.
How use it:
1. install OnionFruit Connect with attention because:
--> Obtaining the one-time connection key requires users to visit a web page that contains a cryptocurrency-enabled CAPTCHA.
2. select All countries Exit Nodes or Exit Nodes of a specific country.
3. run your favorite browser, fox example Chromium.

- Working in the background
- Secure WiFi Hotspots
- DragonFruit Services

Additions Features
It also includes auto-updates, a download speed monitor and custom landing pages.

Program details:
- program name: OnionFruit Connect
- release: 2020.318.0 of mar. 18, 2020
- developer: DragonFruit Network
- program page: https://dragonfruit.network/onionfruit/
- GitHub program page: https://github.com/dragonfruitnetwork/onionfruit
- GitHub download page: https://github.com/dragonfruitnetwork/O ... /releases
- GitHub direct download: https://github.com/dragonfruitnetwork/O ... nstall.exe
- GitHub Wiki:
--> Home: https://github.com/dragonfruitnetwork/OnionFruit/wiki
--> Getting Started: https://github.com/dragonfruitnetwork/o ... ng-Started
--> Troubleshooting: https://github.com/dragonfruitnetwork/O ... leshooting
--> Updating OnionFruit: https://github.com/dragonfruitnetwork/O ... OnionFruit
- binary name: install.exe
- binary size: 14.4 MB
- special requirement: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 or higher installed
- special requirement for Windows 10: .NET Framework 4.7.2 or 4.8 installed
- license: various (MIT license and others)
- update details: upgrade to Tor
- source code: https://github.com/dragonfruitnetwork/O ... .318.0.zip
- Bugs & Issues: To report an issue, email inbox@dragonfruit.network with your issue
- Screenshots: Image

- other screenshots on https://images.google.com/ and type 'onionfruit connect'

- program review:
--> Softpedia: https://www.softpedia.com/get/Internet/ ... nect.shtml
--> Major Geeks: https://www.majorgeeks.com/files/detail ... nnect.html

I hope that someone can create a yaP launcher for this program.
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Re: OnionFruit Connect

#2 Post by webfork »


New version out but unfortunately even though Tor is an open protocol, OnionFruit doesn't look like an open project:
OnionFruit™ Connect is a closed-source program. One of the reasons for this is because we use proprietary assembles to create our UI (Telerik/PostSharp). We can't share these so there is not much point in disclosing the majority of the source with the aim to allow people to improve the app (we also don't want similar versions of the app flooding the market). Because of this, people are free to open issues with feature requests (as stated above) and they can be discussed and planned if there is a high enough demand for them.

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Re: OnionFruit Connect [DotNET Tor client]

#3 Post by Midas »

@rbon: OP subject edited, feel free to modify.

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