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Automated update discovery programs

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 2:00 pm
by webfork
Found two freeware apps that seek out product version numbers and compare them to a version tracking database. This is something we should pay attention to because, as Betanews points out: "by using up-to-date software you'll reduce the risk of encountering bugs and will benefit from more features."

This has been discussed before ( ... php?p=9633) in late January with the program "AppUpdater"
Notes about use:
  • * Sumo users will have to drag-and-drop their portable directory into the folder as Sumo doesn't automatically look through the entire drive.

    At install make sure to select "deep scan" or equavalent option to make sure it scans all files. You can't set this later without reinstall.

    * FileHippo right click on File Hippo icon in task bar and select "Settings". In the window that appears click "Custom Locations" and add your portable programs folder.

    If you like, in the Results tab, select "hide beta versions" and "show the installation path".

Both appear to be great alternatives to the hated non-free VersionTracker software: ... 23175.html

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 2:13 pm
by m^(2)

Portability of appupdating

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 8:27 am
by webfork
> Hippo uses .NET.

Yes -- as far as I can tell, only AppUpdater has even the potential to be portable. Either because it slipped past or because its not really portable, it never got accepted.

> If sb. cares, here's a long list of such programs.

Very cool -- even better.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 11:09 pm
by freewareupdater101
WOW! so, its another freeware portal huh! thanks a lot

let me share where i got mine.
no hidden string.

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 7:06 am
by portackager
This may interest a few, Gizmo actually reviews and tests the software (even checks if it's portable!) and then gives his verdict. ... onitor.htm

His 'Pick' was SUMo

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 8:29 pm
by Onesimus Prime
The above review also said that the only software he reviewed that was truly portable (at least according to TPFC's definition of portable) was Update Notifier from

However, regarding SUMo, a "Kyle Katarn" said here that
A setup-less (Zipped) version is avaialble.
A 100% portable version will be available soon.
(that was on Dec. 17th, 2007, however!) We'll see...

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 11:15 pm
by ashghost
How is UpdateNotifier portable? It saves settings (and logs and lots of files) to %AppData%\cspa\

SUMo only saves a couple of settings to the registry, and only if you change them.

Re: Automated update discovery programs

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:08 am
by Bahnyen
Cool software, Thanks for sharing.
I personal like SUMO more than File Hippo Checker, but still keep tracking on both of them.

Re: Automated update discovery programs

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:15 pm
by webfork
Old thread update: SUMo evidently put out a portable version [Edit: it's not portable and hasn't been for a long time]: ... SUMo.shtml

Edit: link to the official thread for SUMo.