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Paul's Extreme Sound Stretch Portable

extreme sound stretcher

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Version 2.2-2 Rev 2 for Windows, English
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Paul's Extreme Sound Stretch is a program for stretching the audio. It is for extreme sound stretching of the audio (8x, 50x, etc) and for applying special effects by "spectral smoothing" the sounds. Paul Stretch produces high quality extreme sound stretching. While most sound stretching software sounds bad when trying to stretch the sounds a lot, this one is optimized for extreme sound stretching. So, the stretch amount is unlimited. You can play the stretched sound in real-time (including the possibility to "freeze" the sound) or you can render the whole sound or a part of it to audio files. It has many post-processing effects, like: filters, pitch/frequency shifters and support for WAV, OGG VORBIS files and MP3 files.

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Open Source Initiative Approved License