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CCleaner V2.24.1010

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 11:32 am
by Checker
Thanks infimum :!:
First posting updated :wink:

Re: CCleaner V2.24.1010

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:43 am
by guinness
CCleaner 2.25.1025 is available...beat Checker :)

Code: Select all

- Improved Windows 7 jump list cleaning.
- Improved Windows 7 thumbnail cache cleaning.
- Added support for Windows Server 2008 R2.
- Improved 64-bit support and performance.
- Fixed issue with Windows 7 task scheduler.
- Fixed issue with Startup tool, displaying incorrect folder contents.
- Added support for AVG Antivirus 9.0.
- Added support for ExcludeKey in INI files.
- Improved support for wildcards and RECURSE/REMOVESELF.
- Fixed minor GUI bugs in non-English versions.
- Fixed minor GUI usability issues.
- Improved input validation.
- Lots of minor bugs fixed.

CCleaner V2.25.1025

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:27 am
by Checker
guinness wrote:CCleaner 2.25.1025 is available...beat Checker :)
I didn't know there's a competition :lol:
But: I have to work, too :wink:
Thanks ... first posting updated :!:

Re: CCleaner V2.25.1025

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 4:58 am
by guinness
Add winapp2.ini to the same directory as CCleaner to improve the cleaning functionality.
Stealth: Yes - because CCleaner simply checks this file for additional software locations. You can add your own if you so wish.

This can be added to the file to clean SRWare Browser (installed version only)

Code: Select all

[*SRWare Iron (Vista/7)]
DetectFile=%ProgramFiles%\SRWare Iron\Iron.exe
FileKey1=%LocalAppData%\Chromium\User Data\Default\Cache|*.*
FileKey2=%LocalAppData%\Chromium\User Data\Default|Cookies
FileKey3=%LocalAppData%\Chromium\User Data\Default|*History*
FileKey4=%LocalAppData%\Chromium\User Data\Default|Thumbnails
FileKey5=%LocalAppData%\Chromium\User Data\Default|Visited Links
FileKey6=%LocalAppData%\Chromium\User Data\Default|Current*
FileKey7=%LocalAppData%\Chromium\User Data\Default|Last*
FileKey8=%LocalAppData%\Chromium\User Data\Default|Web Data

Code: Select all

WebVersions Key: CCleaner;2.25.1025;2.25.1025;;false; ; v;;;;;;
WebVersions Key: CCleaner Winapp2;Updated 2/22/09;Updated 2/22/09; ... lse;<;-<br />;;;;;;

CCleaner V2.27.1070

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:53 am
by Checker
Because I'm unable to update directly (see) ... I'm using the "old" way :wink:

CCleaner is updated to: V2.27.1070 :!:

Re: CCleaner V2.27.1070

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 5:17 am
by guinness
- Added support to Wipe MFT Free Space.
- Added cleaning for Windows Explorer breadcrumb bar.
- Added cleaning for Opera beta versions.
- Added option to turn off CCleaner jumplist tasks on Windows 7.
- Added menu option to Registry Cleaner to add key to exclude list.
- Improved support for SeaMonkey 2.0.
- Improved Windows 7 Taskbar progress accuracy.
- Improved minimize to system tray functionality across all platforms.
- Improved Opera cleaning by including opcache and temporary_downloads folder.
- Improved performance of Compact database routines.
- Improved Wipe Free Space code to avoid locks.
- Improved security when deleting files.
- Minor GUI and interface improvements.
- Minor bug fixes.
I was going to post this an hour ago, but thought I would give you a chance! :) Lets hope they can make it a hat trick with Defraggler being updated too. I suppose with the snow in the UK all they can do is code!

Re: CCleaner V2.27.1070

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 5:49 am
by Checker
guinness wrote:... I was going to post this an hour ago, but thought I would give you a chance! :) ...
Sorry for being late, but I had to work, too :wink:
guinness wrote:... Lets hope they can make it a hat trick with Defraggler being updated too. I suppose with the snow in the UK all they can do is code! ...
Let it snow !!! :lol:

Re: CCleaner V2.27.1070

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 6:07 am
by guinness
Here is a better (and more up to date) version of winapp2.ini, simply add the file to the same directory as CCleaner. This is the same file CCEnhancer is using.

Re: CCleaner V2.27.1070

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 7:35 am
guinness wrote:Here is a better (and more up to date) version of winapp2.ini, simply add the file to the same directory as CCleaner. This is the same file CCEnhancer is using.
Thanks guinness. :)

Re: CCleaner V2.27.1070

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 3:01 pm
by Napiophelios
Chrome based browsers are notorious for growing humungous appdata folders
if you dont regularly clear your cache or history files we are talking loads of info.

So here's my custom entry for Chromium browser,
Its pretty much gonna delete all but the essential stuff
so if you add it to your winapp2.ini file,
make sure you edit out the stuff you wanna keep.

Also if you use a Chromium portable version just change the pathes below to your stored portable's profile.
Take note that some of the entries/folders are from earlier releases and may no longer be in use
I only included them just in case tho :)

Code: Select all

[Chromium - Cache*]
FileKey1=%localappdata%\Chromium\User Data\Default\Cache|*.*|RECURSE|REMOVESELF|
FileKey2=%localappdata%\Chromium\User Data\Default\databases|*.*|RECURSE|REMOVESELF|
FileKey3=%localappdata%\Chromium\User Data\Default|*Favicons*
FileKey4=%localappdata%\Chromium\User Data\Default|*Favicons-journal*
FileKey5=%localappdata%\Chromium\User Data\Default\Media Cache|*.*|RECURSE|REMOVESELF|
FileKey6=%localappdata%\Chromium\User Data\Default\MediaCache|*.*|RECURSE|REMOVESELF|
;FileKey7=%localappdata%\Chromium\User Data\Default\Plugin Data|*.*|RECURSE|REMOVESELF|
;FileKey8=%localappdata%\Chromium\User Data\Default\User StyleSheets|*.*|RECURSE|REMOVESELF|

[Chromium - Cookies*]
FileKey1=%localappdata%\Chromium\User Data\Default|Cookies
FileKey2=%localappdata%\Chromium\User Data\Default|ExtensionCookies

[Chromium - History*]
FileKey1=%localappdata%\Chromium\User Data\Default|*Archived History*
FileKey2=%localappdata%\Chromium\User Data\Default|*History*
FileKey3=%localappdata%\Chromium\User Data\Default|Thumbnails
FileKey4=%localappdata%\Chromium\User Data\Default|Top Sites
FileKey5=%localappdata%\Chromium\User Data\Default|Visited Links

[Chromium - Form Data*]
LangRef=Form Data
FileKey1=%localappdata%\Chromium\User Data\Default|*Web Data*
FileKey2=%localappdata%\Chromium\User Data\Default|*Web Data-journal*

[Chromium - Session Restore*]
LangRef=Session Restore
FileKey1=%localappdata%\Chromium\User Data\Default|Current*
FileKey2=%localappdata%\Chromium\User Data\Default|Current Tabs*
FileKey3=%localappdata%\Chromium\User Data\Default|Last*
;FileKey4=%localappdata%\Chromium\User Data|chrome_shutdown_ms.txt

Defraggler 2.04

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 4:26 pm
by zak_711

Re: Defraggler 2.04

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 4:31 pm
by guinness
Thanks. Not long until you reach 50 posts and you can edit yourself :)

Re: Defraggler 2.04

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:40 am
by guinness
I have to say this application has come on leaps and bounds since Piriform introduced it 4 years ago.

Defraggler v2.10.413

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 7:52 am
by ReadOnly
- Defragmentation speed improved by up to 30%.
- Optimized free space algorithms.
- Re-architected scheduling manager.
- Improved the fragmentation calculation during Defragmentation.
- Fixed keyboard support for scheduler.
- Minor UI tweaks.

Re: Defraggler v2.10.413

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 8:34 am
by Checker
Thanks ... and updated :wink: