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Re: AutoIt Portable

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:53 am
by guinness
AutoIt Portable V2.0.0.0

I've updated AutoIt Portable with the following changes.

- ADDED: This is an entire re-write of the old AutoIt Portable package and therefore I decided to increment the main branch version number. Please consider this as a new release due to the fact I didn't keep a record of the changes I made when I started working on this back in May 2012.

Re: AutoIt Portable

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 8:29 am
by guinness
AutoIt Portable V2.2.0.4

I've updated AutoIt Portable with the following changes.

- FIXED: Drag and Drop in Windows 7+ with UAC enabled would cease to work.
- FIXED: Zip file had been renamed on the AutoIt site and was not compatiable with previous versions of AutoIt Portable.
- IMPROVED: Compiled with AutoIt v3.3.10.0.

Re: AutoIt Portable

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 7:14 am
by guinness
AutoIt Portable V2.3.1.6

I've updated AutoIt Portable with the following changes.

- ADDED: Support for SciTE4AutoIt3 which is now natively Portable.
- FIXED: The internal 7za.exe not being used if 7z.exe wasn't found.
- IMPROVED: Compiled with AutoIt v3.3.10.2.

Re: AutoIt Portable

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 12:23 am
by guinness
I have re-uploaded AutoIt Portable again as it seems I was re-distributing an old copy of AutoIt Creator. This was reported to me by a user of AutoIt Portable.

Re: AutoIt Portable

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2024 10:37 am
by lwc
Just a few days short of a decade later, AutoIt is an almost portable software.
The only non portable leftover is this issue. But alas, any attempt to solve it gets the developer very angry, to the level of almost cursing me.
I think the main problem is no one in the world but me shows support for AutoIt to be a stealth program (i.e. 100% portable), so the developer treats me like a pain in the you-know-what.
If you read this and do want it 100% portable, please enter that issue and show support.

To sum up:
  1. During each compilation, AutoIt creates a non portable folder (if it didn't exist before), then keeps it blank but never bothers to delete it.
  2. Compilations can be done either directly via aut2exe or indirectly through AutoIt3Wrapper.
  3. But I claim most compilations are just done through the GUI of SciTE, AutoIt's hand picked editor (which calls AutoIt3Wrapper which calls aut2exe).
  4. The developer refuses to provide any way (like a command line parameter) to make either aut2exe or AutoIt3Wrapper not create that folder in the first place.
  5. So I offered a compromise - since most people use SciTE for this, just make sure when SciTE exists, delete that folder if it exists. If it's really necessary, check first if there's a file called "portable" or if SciTE.exe was started with something like SciTE.exe -portabale. What makes things messier is that SciTE is not AutoIt, but yet it's a customized version for AutoIt.
    • My current alternative is to run SciTE through a portabilizer (luckily I own one and all it needs is deletefolders="%LocalAppData%\AutoIt v3\").
So if any of this matters to you, please show support in that issue and make that developer will know you care too.