A question about updates

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A question about updates

#1 Post by lautrepay »

It happened to me a couple of times that, when I'm updating an entry, I modify a previous download link that pointed to an app's specific version, entering the URL of the official download page instead. But after that, another user updates the entry again, pointing the download link to the new specific version.
Last time was KeePass. Previous link was "http://downloads.sourceforge.net/keepas ... s-1.20.zip". When I updated the entry, I changed the download link to "http://keepass.info/download.html", but it was subsequently modified, pointing to "http://sourceforge.net/projects/keepass ... p/download".
So, can someone explain the exactly significance of "Do not enter the direct URL to the file if the filename is version dependent, or the author forbids external links. For such cases, enter the URL to the download page instead."?

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Re: A question about updates

#2 Post by guinness »

Certain developers prefer that the user is taken to the download page rather than linking directly to the download itself. This could be due to the fact additional information e.g. license agreement is available before a user downloads. About the version number in the download string, it's best to link just to the download page as issues of "the download doesn't work" or "the entry is updated but the download is still pointing to the previous version" are eradicated as it's impossible for all entries to be kept up to date. Hope this helps.

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Re: A question about updates

#3 Post by lautrepay »

Thanks, guinness, for your explanation. But when you say "... it's best to link...", is it a rule or an option?

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Re: A question about updates

#4 Post by webfork »

lautrepay wrote:Thanks, guinness, for your explanation. But when you say "... it's best to link...", is it a rule or an option?
It seems linking to the download page is more convenient generally for both the editor and the site visitor. It requires less edition and visitors won't get frustrated if the direct link doesn't work. But no, its not a rule as most programs here on the site don't have frequent updates and some sites are kind enough to save updates to the same URL each time.

If the developer makes a specific request to point to a specific download page, I think its important we make an effort to follow that, but I can't recall an instance where that happened.

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Re: A question about updates

#5 Post by guinness »

As webfork said not a rule just makes it easier in the long run when updating entries, because updating entries is time consuming I know (I did it back in '09 when the system changed) so the less you have to change the easier it becomes. I truly appreciate what you and the others do when updating the entries because for some it looks as though it's just a quick 2 seconds, but in reality it's 5 seconds :mrgreen:

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