Komodo Edit - programmer's editor

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Komodo Edit - programmer's editor

#1 Post by webfork »

Another open editor that somehow got past me. I did some research that seemed like a little more work than I usually put into a test so I decided to collect all the info ahead of a test.
Komodo Edit is free and open-source IDE that offers support for a wide range of programming and scripting languages, such as PHP, Python, Ruby, Tcl, Perl, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, RHTML, and others. It offers support for syntax highlighting and macros, among others.
Status: Untested. There's a process listed ...

A bit dated but might still work): https://www.activestate.com/blog/komodo-ide-usb-stick/
Another tweak to skip the install: https://community.komodoide.com/t/is-th ... edit/695/6
There is a YaP config available: viewtopic.php?p=75345#p75345
(Outdated) PA thread: https://portableapps.com/node/13741

License: open source (MPL)

Home: https://www.activestate.com/products/komodo-ide

Image care of wikipedia.

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