DarGUI (backup utility)

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DarGUI (backup utility)

#1 Post by Midas »

As DAR (http://dar.linux.free.fr/) is in continuous development and supports a 64-bit Windows version, I was curious to find out what options were there to run it in Windows, preferably portably.

Enter DarGUI (http://dargui.sourceforge.net/), a Windows compatible frontend to DAR, which can integrate itself with the Windows Scheduler Service to run periodically.

DarGUI is a graphical frontend for the Disk ARchiving utility (DAR) that aims to make it easier and quicker to perform common backup tasks using DAR. [...] DarGUI is simply a means of compiling a DAR command which is executed in a console. It does as little as possible to hide the DAR command line from the user, because for more complex operations knowledge of the DAR commandline is essential.



DarGUI isn't natively portable, so I'll be using it with a yaP launcher. Instructions follow.

Also, please remember that although DarGUI is a 32-bit program, the underlying DAR executables are all 64-bit, so this will only work in Windows x64, alas.

To make it work you'll need to download the last DarGUI installer package from its homepage. It can be easily (Uni)extracted and you can discard the 'Additional files' folder. Then you have to get the latest DAR windows ZIP package (currently from https://sourceforge.net/projects/dar/files/dar/2.6.4/) and extract it to a sub-folder of DarGUI -- let's make it 'dar64'.

In the end, you should have a folder structure similar to this:

Code: Select all

DarGUI Portable folder
|   +---dar64
|   |   +--- ...
|   +---doc
|       +--- ...
    +--- ...
After that, here's the INI code to create the yaP launcher (which you should place in the topmost folder above):

Code: Select all

; configuration file for yaP v0.7.1.5 (http://yap.rolandtoth.hu/)
; application name: DarGUI
; version: 1.0
; website: http://dargui.sourceforge.net/

application = App\dargui.exe

; commandline = 
; workdir = 


On first launch, DarGUI will ask for the location of the DAR executable. You should use a relative path to uphold portability.


After that, DarGUI will tell you that your version of DAR is newer than the one it originally worked with. Click OK, but remember to educate yourself on relevant differences...


To wrap it up, though unlikely if you follow this procedure, remember to check if any traces have been left at 'HKCR\.dar' and 'HCKR\DarArchive'. Further user settings can be found in DarGUI's "Edit | Preferences" menu.

BTW, DAR was previously mentioned at viewtopic.php?t=4356 and viewtopic.php?t=5673.

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Re: DarGUI (backup utility)

#2 Post by Midas »

Dar v2.6.5 released 2019-07-06 (changelog at https://sourceforge.net/p/dar/mailman/dar-news/).

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Re: DarGUI (backup utility)

#3 Post by webfork »

I've been having difficulty with my old 7zip CLI backup process, so I keep meaning to come back to DAR. Now there's an update to the GUI program ...

https://sourceforge.net/projects/dargui ... argui/1.1/

DarGUI Release 1.1 15 September 2020

This release adds compatibility with Dar 2.6.x and fixes a few bugs.
The MS Windows version has been tested only on Windows 7.
Dar ( https://sourceforge.net/projects/dar/files/dar/ ) should be installed before
you install DarGUI.

changelog since version 1.0:
* Updated parsing of Dar output to read from Dar 2.6.x correctly
* Added Italian language for interface: thanks to Valerio Guaglianone
* Fixed broken cache-directory-tagging option
* Resolved bug #3 (restore fails when file name contains an apostrophe)
https://www.softpedia.com/get/System/Ba ... rGUI.shtml

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