Mobzystems Tools (OSS DotNET utilities collection)

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Mobzystems Tools (OSS DotNET utilities collection)

#1 Post by Midas »

[url][/url] author wrote:These tools are all free, written for the .NET Framework (in C# or VB.NET), and the source code is available on CodePlex under the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2).
Mostly framework v2.0 dependent, probably abandoned, some console only tools, all (and more) downloadable from
  • MOBZHunt -- "hard disks never seem big enough. Even that huge new disk fills up in no-time. You need some space - but where do you start? With MOBZHunt, hunting down disk hogs is a snap!" (v1.0.4; April 21, 2011)
  • MOBZoom -- "a simple yet powerful zoom tool that supports saving captured images in a host of formats, including Windows icon files." (v1.0.1; April 26, 2011)
  • MOBZPing -- "displays the availability and response time of a series of hosts graphically. Very useful for tracking down connection problems, or simply monitoring a number of hosts simultaneously." (v1.0.4; April 26, 2011)
  • MOBZRuler -- "simple but surprisingly useful tool that displays a grid on screen. Great for lining up screen elements, measuring screen distances etc." (v1.0.3; April 26, 2011)
  • MOBZync -- "inspect the differences in the contents of two folders at a glance, and optionally synchronize in one or both directions." (v0.9.2; April 26, 2011)
  • ShellRunner -- "a command shell tool for testing and running batch files, with a host of other options: time-stamping output, saving error and output log files, marking error output in red, etc." (v1.0.5; April 26, 2011)
  • RunNET -- "use .NET languages for scripting! Run .NET code (C#, VB.NET or whatever is installed on your machine) as a console application without generating an executable file on disk." (v1.0.0; September 21, 2011)
  • MOBZcript -- "a simple editor for cmd scripts. Press F5 to save and run your script using the regular cmd interpreter." (v0.9.0; December 10, 2012)
BTW, ShellRunner recently got reviewed at ... ll-runner/...

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Re: Mobzystems Tools (OSS DotNET utilities collection)

#2 Post by webfork »

MOBZRuler - a very good way to explain sizing to people via an overlay window showing pixel distance.


Portable: yes, saves no settings (both good and bad)

Stealth: untested

License: GPL v2

Requires: DotNET 2.0

Setup: Download the .MSI file and use Universal Extractor with default settings, move MOBZRuler.exe to a folder of your choice and run.


* You can't easily move the grid around to an exact spot. May want to use in concert with NeatMouse if you're trying to move it into exactly the right place.

* Full Screen - the program is borderless on the sides and bottom when full screen. Love it.

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Re: Mobzystems Tools (OSS DotNET utilities collection)

#3 Post by webfork »


I tested this a while back before I really had a need and then just recently specific screen sizes became important as part of a work project. In the process of testing, I came up with a wishlist:

* User controls to add more blue markers for other screen sizes beyond just the default 3 (640x480, 800x600, 1024x768)
* Full screen option (no top or bottom bars, just the grid)
* Semi-transparent grid lines (customizable) ... note that this could be done with Volumouse.

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Re: Mobzystems Tools (OSS DotNET utilities collection)

#4 Post by webfork »

I came back to test this one. I like the license, it would be amazing for presentations, product demos, or howtos. It gives cursor coordinates, screen window size (so you can use it as a ruler), and will output to a number of different image types (BMP, GIF, PNG, JPEG). It will even let you set the window to a specific size.

I really want to like this program but a few things got in my way:
  1. There's a slight delay in moving the mouse and what shows up on the window
  2. There seems to be a slight refresh issue in the process that makes it jarring to watch. I don't know if this was a video card issue or what but it really bothered me.
Other items on my wishlist:
  • Ability to
    • Save settings
    • Output whatever shows up in that window to a series of images or an animated GIF
    • Use a hotkey like CTRL+ALT mouse scroll to zoom in or out
  • Resize element in lower right-hand corner is hard to find (you have to be over JUST the right area)

APNG file, viewable in Firefox

I'm going to stick with ZoomIt.

I should also note that See Through Windows seems like a solid program as well

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