Weezo - securely sharing data / audio / video [discontinued]

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Weezo - securely sharing data / audio / video [discontinued]

#1 Post by Vince_99 »

Weezo is a VERY impressive app based on open-source components! You could hardly think of a more comprehensive, fancy, easy and flexible way to share data with others. I just discovered it and I'm really stunned!

Weezo can work as an ssl-secured ftp and web server, can (ssl-)stream audio and video files plus a webcam, lets others browse your digital photo collections in an xnview-style and can even be used to remote admin other pcs (like ultraVNC but with more/different options). All that combined with a pleasant user interface and keeping configuration of its complex functions so easy.
Hard to believe that one small, free and portable application supplies so many clever internet features! It is so comprehensive that - for me - it has replaced beloved FileZilla client, FileZilla Server, HttpFileServer (HFS) and some oher nice apps all at once!

Perhaps I should stress that I am NOT affiliated to Weezo in any way but just a very happy user!

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Re: Weezo - securely sharing data / audio / video / photos

#2 Post by fenixproductions »

Vince_99 wrote:Perhaps I should stress that I am NOT affiliated to Weezo in any way but just a very happy user!
Good for you but it looks like SPAM for me.

You forgot about links, more detailed description AND information about portability what is a must here imho).

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#3 Post by Vince_99 »

What exactly looks like spam to you, fenixproductions? Did you check the app already?

I'm new to this kind of forum so I'm thankful for your hints on what info to supply.

The software can be found at http://www.weezo.net. I found it after reading a positive article on clubic.fr. I'm quite sensible to spam/nag/adware so I tried to find out as much as possible about Weezo before trying it. I found nothing negative so until now I can only report positive things about it.

Please let me know if you find out any negative aspect! I would not tolerate just one drawback in this software and give it up immediately because the tools I used until now for this purpose worked very good. But for now I must confess that it's really running fine, stable and almost without competitor for what it does.

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#4 Post by fenixproductions »

I am sorry if you felt offended.

I've downloaded ZIP package from this site (I assume that this can be portable one). I've even tried to use it BUT the last lessons of French I had more than 5 years ago and now I cannot understand almost a single word.

When I've started this app it gave me couple yes/no questions which I can only "shoot", what is not wise. After that I had a window for logging into account (maybe creating too). Because of the lack of French language knowledge I've been trying to close this app and start looking for translation. Once again I've been surprised because I had to kill it in Task Manager. Then I've discovered few additional processes. This is strange but I can't find an information about creating HTTP server on official site what this software does. I know that "Apache" subfolder or PHP files gives me hints about that but... who else will discover that?

Well... After all I think that it is a good idea but there is luck of English language which might be "no no" for many users. I cross my fingers for the future. If mentioned "bugs" will be fixed, I will give it a chance once again.

PS. I hope that my previous Apache system configuration is OK ;)

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#5 Post by appsuser »

I haven't tried the software yet, but my question would be real portability. Of course the client side is, because it's web browser-based...but the website lists seven plugins for the server. Are these portable? If not, can you use normal portable server programs (like XAMPP)? However, I don't know if a portable version of each plug-in exists (if they aren't portable). So, to sum it, if the server software's not portable, this is not really portable software.

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#6 Post by Vince_99 »

@ fenixproductions

The software is multilanguage. You can switch it to english in the configuration tab on the upper right.

I'm German but my wife is French so I was able to read through the Weezo forum and found an admin reply which states that the app is designed to be portable and work from a usb thumb drive. I just launched the app in Sandboxie (if that works this is sometimes an indication for portability) and found out that it writes into several of its subfolders but also does write into some user's subfolder and into temp internet files folder. A registry scan only revealed entries into the shell's MUICache which should be Windows' fault.

After closing the app only a few 0-Byte-files remained outside the program's folder. That means that the app can probably NOT be called stealth but for me it's still a "pretty portable" one ;-) Might be that it does fail facing your severe criteria for a REAL portable app but I think that it's OK for me - as long as nobody tells me that there are some hidden malign spy processes carried out.

I have to admit that I start calling an app portable as soon as it can be run from its own folder (from anywhere) without installation process.

I'm still so overwhelmed by its functions that I would even make a huge exception and INSTALL IT if necessary :D

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#7 Post by fenixproductions »

Last complain from my side:

I could switch the language IF I had a chance to do it wisely. I can't say it is nice if I had to click OK for unknown messages. Without that it wasn't possible to do this task because of "login form" which couldn't handle "Cancel" input. It simply didn't work (three tries). There's no need for PhD to search for "language, sprache, parlais or whatever" but I need a chance to click it ;)

As I said before: I will cross my fingers for better usability of this app.

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#8 Post by Vince_99 »

Thanks for taking your time!

I did some testing again with the help of Sandboxie to find out how far weezo spreads during first launch. I made a screenshot of the result but don't know how to publish/upload it here.

To help you getting the chance to switch languages I have translated the first launch messages:

Weezo first launch
Would you like to open the online help? Click NO

Weezo first launch (again)
Would you like to test the server? (option to enable port configuration via UPnP)

click NO

server connectivity can be verified again later

you have to set an admin password

enter pw 2 times (option to show pw in clear letters)
buttons: submit and cancel

account window appears:
choice whether to create a weezo account (default radio button option) or no weezo account (lower option): choose no account
buttons: confirm and cancel
choose confirm

once inside main application window you can change the language under configuration tab on the upper right and repeat server config in english

I would very much appreciate getting a feedback about this software and if it can be considered portable. If it can't ... well, then so what - you might still find it as useful as I do ;-)

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#9 Post by Vince_99 »

some interesting facts in english:


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#10 Post by appsuser »

Vince_99 wrote:some interesting facts in english:

Thanks...I guess this is what I was looking for...

"Weezo is a "cleanware" : the installation process copies all the needed files in a single directory. No dll is registered with Windows, no modification is done on the registry (except if you choose to integrate Weezo in Windows contextual menus). Weezo can work from a thumb drive ! Once Weezo is shut down, no remaining process stays in memory."

I am very interested in this, especially its transcoding capabilities...

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#11 Post by Andrew Lee »

Couldn't get it to run on Win2K and WinXP.

Says MSSTDFMT.DLL is not installed, even though I dumped the entire content of Weezo.CAB (inside WeezoDLLPack.zip) into the "bin" subfolder.

I didn't want to go the "setup.exe" route to install those DLLs and OCXs.

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Re: Weezo - securely sharing data / audio / video / photos

#12 Post by joby_toss »

V 2.0.0b- 05/21/2010

New features
Mobile version
New "send" feature, BitTorrent and streaming formats supported
New "Publish" feature, enabline users to embed medias into external web pages
Aero interface (Vista / W7)
Installation / configuration wizard
Plugins management tool
Clients may now customize their desktop. "Single user" account will restore settings on reconnection
Site and users activity may be tracked on a Twitter account, on a personal website, or forwarded to Growl
New PHP session management system, hardened compatibility with third parties PHP scripts / extensions
Client's browsers are displayed into activity tab
Firewall and UPnP mapping may be reset on exit
File explorers: user may share a list of files and directories instead of a single dir's content
File explorers: user may toggle thumbnails, and select thumbnails size
Security: unauthenticated direct connections may be rejected
File explorers: display embedded icon of .exe and .ico files
File explorers: tree view may be sorted
Photo, video and multimedia albums: updated layouts
HTML Web Site: PHP / MySQL sites supported
Video album: users may upload videos, users may use multiple download feature
Proxy: possiblity to forbid access to LAN and localhost
Remote administration: process icons are displayed
Bookmarks: extensions completely rewritten and merged
iPhone: playlists supported, new image drag feature
Resources configuration: save/cancel buttons removed

Pages layout: lighter page sturcture, faster display, transparency effects, animations
Files explorers: server-side cache, faster display
RSS feeds: faster display
PHP: new version (5.2.12)
Apache: new version (2.2.15)
Ffmpeg: new version (>0.51)

Video and multimedia display issues (2.0.0b)
Reencoded MP3 bitrate issue (2.0.0b)
Windows context menu integration issues (2.0.0a)
Audio libraries: incorrectly displayed UTF8 encoded tags
File explorer: "protected file" displayed when moving a file
some images are not correctly displayed
Chrome and Safari display issues
File explorer: misc bugs with tree view
Chat: random freezes
RSS feeds: feeds could sometimes not be refreshed
RSS feeds: icons incorrectly displayed
Videos: videos sometimes freeze
Videos: some problems with very long videos
Videos on Wii: videos freeze after 5 minutes
Connection: unciphered password with non-ansii characters may be rejected
User activity: messages are now displayed in UI language and not client language
OS/Vista/Simple themes: some icons sometimes disapear
Resources configuration: changes not saved depending on local IE security settings
I had the same problem as Andrew, I had to register MSSTDFMT.DLL to the system.
I still like it.
It is not stealth though; some "registry classes" are left behind.

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Re: Weezo - securely sharing data / audio / video / photos

#13 Post by webfork »

Finally got a chance to test this software out. Very impressive to be sure in terms of features and controls, but a great deal seems to rely on whether or not you're logged into their service. The remote desktop software wouldn't work at all. If you don't have an internet connection or you're in a very locked-down network, this really handicaps the software.

Chat, file transfer, permissions, all worked great and were remarkably easy and smooth. For browser support, seemed to work with more than just Firefox and Mozilla. No matter what happens, I'm sure that future friend-to-friend network software like this will be weighed against whether or not it matches Weezo.

Good stuff.

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Re: Weezo - securely sharing data / audio / video / photos

#14 Post by webfork »

Weezo was updated in October to v.3

Ghacks review: http://www.ghacks.net/2010/07/01/weezo- ... r-windows/


UPDATE: No longer in development

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Re: Weezo - securely sharing data / audio / video [discontinued]

#15 Post by juverax »

Weezo v.4.3.0 available on Softpedia: https://www.softpedia.com/get/Internet/ ... eezo.shtml
Last updated: January 5, 2017

This post may be pointless.
I reacted "extremely rapidly" when I saw a version from 2017 available on Softpedia which was released several years after webfork wrote that Weezo was no longer maintained.
There is no way I can test Weezo personally, so I don't know if it is still "usable".

The original website no longer exists, but the wayback machine has some captures ... but this is not a server.

And, if Weezo relies on the developers' server(s) .... then .... , that is the end of it .... period :oops:

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