8 in da morning!

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8 in da morning!

#1 Post by Magibon »

i was out late last night.. and didn't go to sleep till 6'ish or so ..
2 hours later.. at 8AM in the morning.. (Easter Sunday) .. one of my neighbors had the clever idea of removing his over-grown tree with a high-powered, Gas-driven Chainsaw that echoed throughout the entire neighborhood... and it sounded like he was compensating for something because he was revving that thing up like a fancy dirt bike before and after each usage. This went on till 11AM!

I was so pissed.. i wanted to scream out the window and ask if he had any common sense.

Now my question .. isn't there an unspoken rule that on Sundays.. you do not wake up your neighbors till atleast 10AM .. preferably later?

It's Sunday for christ sake.! Saturday.. no problem.. but Sunday is everybody's day off!

Am i in the right? or am i just grouchy? lol

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Re: 8 in da morning!

#2 Post by ChemZ »

You got a point there, 8am is wayyyy too early to be doing any chain-sawing or lawn-mowing I say.

Weekend time is sleep in time! Especially on Sunday :!:

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Re: 8 in da morning!

#3 Post by usdcs »

Magibon wrote:It's Sunday for christ sake.!

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Re: 8 in da morning!

#4 Post by webfork »

Magibon wrote:Am i in the right? or am i just grouchy?
There are cultural expectations here on the forums, but as you'll frequently see there's really no guide. Moving forward carefully is really the only solution to avoid the taboo; you'll see it in the personalities of people who travel internationally. They are almost always flexible and maintain a sense of humor.

Checking in with the neighbors before doing anything exceedingly loud would seem the best way to avoid a taboo, but as to the idea that nobody does work on Sunday issue, its impossible to predict in areas with a variety of cultural influences. There are places where activity before noon on Friday is frowned upon and there are places where you're not supposed to do anything on Sunday, including yard work.

That said, I've lived many places where the lawn folks want to start early before direct sunlight really kicks in so they may be intentionally flouting the unwritten rule for their own comfort.

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Re: 8 in da morning!

#5 Post by Magibon »

webfork wrote:
Magibon wrote:Am i in the right? or am i just grouchy?
There are cultural expectations here on the forums, but as you'll frequently see there's really no guide. Moving forward carefully is really the only solution to avoid the taboo; you'll see it in the personalities of people who travel internationally. They are almost always flexible and maintain a sense of humor.

Checking in with the neighbors before doing anything exceedingly loud would seem the best way to avoid a taboo, but as to the idea that nobody does work on Sunday issue, its impossible to predict in areas with a variety of cultural influences. There are places where activity before noon on Friday is frowned upon and there are places where you're not supposed to do anything on Sunday, including yard work.

That said, I've lived many places where the lawn folks want to start early before direct sunlight really kicks in so they may be intentionally flouting the unwritten rule for their own comfort.

you got a point there..
in Mexico.. it's customary for the locals to take a mid-day nap with their sombreros tipped over their faces for shade.. lol

I forgot to mention my place of residence..
im in the suburbs of philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Here.. Sunday is a day off for everyone.
The respectful/courteous thing to do would have waited.. but not everyone is conscious of their neighbors.

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