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#1 Post by webfork »

I saw something interesting over on the CloudShot site explaining why they stopped distributing an open source version:
CloudShot used to be open when we used Codeplex. But at some point CloudShot became a tool that could be stolen and sold as so called "backspaceware". This term is was invented by Rick Brewster, author of amazing Paint.NET application. Here's a quote from his blog post about it:
Paint.NET’s license is very generous, and I even release the source code. All free of charge. Unfortunately it gets taken advantage of every once in awhile by scum who are trying to profit from the work of others. I like to call this backspaceware. They download the source code for something, load it up in to Visual Studio (or whatever), hit the backspace key over the software’s name and credits, type in a new name and author, and re-release it. They send it to all the download mirror sites, and don’t always do a good job covering up their tracks.
So we decided to close source code of ClodShot, but still keep it completely free app.

I've run into this before and had a really hard time answering developers who are concerned about it. Some possible answers:
  • Devs that frequently release would mean the difference between the real version and a knock-off one will be obvious to anyone who does 2 minutes of research
  • Some interface elements could be modified or left out of the final release so the program could still accept code suggestions/changes without becoming subject to theft
Part of the problem with Paint.NET however was the use of a non-standard license, since there are organizations who will work on your behalf (such as FSF: ).

Anyway, I did more digging and it turns out this is sort of an old topic. Here's some connected posts: ... spaceware/ ... %e2%80%9d/ ... kspaceware ... fail-.html

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