Offline Windows 10 account transfer

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Offline Windows 10 account transfer

#1 Post by webfork »

Short version: need to move all Windows settings from one machine to another, been mostly able to work around this until now.


A big chunk of why I got into portable software in the first place was because I hated having to redo all my software downloads, all my settings, all my tweaks, etc. on every single machine. Portable software was amazing at minimizing the pain of new installs.

Over a decade later, there are at least 5x more available configuration changes and there's no one tool to make all the changes I need. WPD covers quite a few of them but what was a few minor changes is now turning into an ordeal. This is made worse by a series of issues both hardware and software issues that mean a repeated setup on multiple machines with a similar profile.

Supposedly Windows 10 / 11 etc. will do this via an included sync service but for both privacy concerns and general disinterest in Microsoft OneDrive, I'm doing my best to avoid that. Hence the "offline" in the heading.

The (possible) solutions

Options here are still being researched but here's a few:

1. Transwiz is a freemium option with several caveats

2. EaseUS has a liteware option that's limited to 2GB program transfers, but I'm more focused on Windows settings ... tings.html

3. CloneApp (TPFC thread) - Another option -- seems like you can just check all the "Windows" settings boxes:


This program hasn't been since Oct 2020 so I'm not sure if it has all the latest changes:



* PickMeApp - liteware settings transfer similar to CloneApp

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