Delete FXP Files (from JFTWine)

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Delete FXP Files (from JFTWine)

#1 Post by ClausValca »

Delete FXP Files


Category:Folders/Files / Miscellaneous

Synopsis: GUI tool to delete files/folders not normally visible in Windows file explorer interfaces. From the developer: "Delete FXP Files is an application that provides you with a GUI method of deleting directories and filenames (that usually result from a publically-available FTP server getting tagged (or "t@gged"). This usually results in various folders and/or files being created that contain reserved identifiers and confuse Windows Explorer, making it difficult to delete them."

Writes settings to: None. (Or so I think. Ran with MJ Registry Watcher and didn't get any hits.)

How to extract: Download the zip package to a folder of your choice. Unpack into a folder. Launch the installer program and follow prompts. Copy program folder files to another location, then uninstall the program. Finally, run the file DelFXPFiles.exe

License: Free for personal use (?). Licensed versions have more restrictions/features.

Note: "The Free Edition has the basic deletion capability, but is limited to 5 deletion operations per invocation/launch of the application. You can shutdown and re-launch the application to get another 5 deletions. The free edition is being phased out..."

System Requirements: "Delete FXP Files requires Windows NT4.0/2000/XP or higher. IE 5.0 or greater should be installed as well." (not sure why the IE 5.0 recommendation is there...)

Nice looking software product. Could be helpful to have around the house dealing with some nuisance file identification and deletion work.

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Andrew Lee
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#2 Post by Andrew Lee »

Should this be classified as "crippleware"?

Furthermore, the statement "The Free Edition of the product will eventually be phased out." and the lack of clear redistribution rights adds to my hesitation to post this to the database.

Maybe this should stay within the forum unless someone can come up with good reasons why this should be added to the database.

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#3 Post by ClausValca »

Ah Andrew,

Your wisdom is one of the reasons I keep coming back to portablefreeware.

While your dojo rules are tight, they set a good standard.

I'm struggling a bit (connotation wise) with the label of "crippleware" since the free features of the program offered me all I needed to begin with and it's not a "full-feature" application at start that you loose access to eventually, but the program does seem to clearly fall into that category -- -- in that additional features are included in the program, but not accessible without the proper "key" level.

I can't evaluate the likelihood of the company actually pulling the free product...maybe they will, maybe it's just marketing spin....

I have to confess, I paused a while before submitting this--but not for the reasons above, it was the licensing verbiage that held me up. While it seems perfectly cool to use the free product--portably--for home/personal use, the corporate/IT world usage is very restrictive without the proper key level license.

Since you no-doubt have a big following of IT gals and guys who look here to find wonderful utilities to supplement their work-toolboxes, this product might fit their bill of needs, but not be able to use while honoring the licensing requirement.

So, as the original submitter getting your take on the application's "overhead baggage," I respectfully agree...put it on the back-burner and let it reduce and simmer. After reading your concerns, I agree, it isn't likely ready for "front-stage" display on portablefreeware--at least in it's current offering.

I do appreciate the focus on the issues surrounding the application, and not the application itself. It seems to be a nice little application that does what it promises in a useful way. Probably not something most people need every day, but useful to know about--when the need arises.


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Re: Delete FXP Files (from JFTWine)

#4 Post by jtwine »

Hello all...

I would be happy to answer any questions anyone has regarding the EULA of the product. The unregistered or "free edition" of the product can be redistributed freely, although we are about to start requesting that software sites remove it as we are about to release version 2.0 of the product and will sunset the 1.x.x versions.

To the point of Crippleware, this is a valid assessment of the product, since a portion of its functionality in unavailable until a user purchases a license for the product and registers it.

Additionally, since it is crippleware (and by that nature not a free product), it cannot be considered freeware. The unregistered (or free) edition is simply a teaser, although users do find good use for the unregistered version (we get over 1000 downloads of the installer, but much less paid registrations). This was unexpected.

The free edition of version 1.x.x will be replaced with a very limited "home edition" with a much reduced registration price (likely less than $10USD) - I would like to make some money here, you know! :wink:

However, I am happy to hear that users are able to get use of the product regardless of the edition they use.

-=- James R. Twine (of JRTwine Software, LLC).

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Andrew Lee
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#5 Post by Andrew Lee »

Thanks for the clarification!

My dojo definition of "crippleware" is as follows: certain resources in the application are restricted eg. number of entries in a password manager, number of categories in a PIM etc. This ensures that certain "lite" freeware versions of payware are not excluded, since these typically have some features that are only available in the "pro" version.

However, the "lite" version must not be rendered useless by the removal of certain features. For example, if you have a file recovery program "lite" that tells you which files it can see on your hard disk, but doesn't actually recover the files for you, I am sure you'd agree it is crippleware.

For "Delete FXP Files", I am actually a little unsure, since one can easily get around the restriction on the number of operations by restarting the program, and it's not like you will be using this every day, just for those bad days when trouble hits you.

But the message that the freeware version will be eventually phased out and the fact that I can't find any statement in the EULA (displayed during installation) that says I can mirror the file should this happens is a big concern for me.

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Free editoin of Delete FXP Files.

#6 Post by jtwine »

As I wrote earlier, when we discontinue the unregistered/free edition, I will be asking all sites that host the previous edition to remove them from their sites. However, since I did not spell out any particular distribution rights, and the spirit of the Internet tends to be allowed unless specifically denied, I have little legal (f any) recourse if a site does not comply - and would not have the money to get into a legal battle, anyway; it is not worth it.

You are free to host the unregistered edition file for the use of your users, and I am free to ask you to remove it as some time in the future. You are also free to ignore my request at that time.

-=- James.

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