UK's Kalender v2.5.6

billon on 11 Apr 2020

UK's Kalender is a personal calendar that sits in the system tray and reminds you of upcoming events or deadlines. Events can be displayed in weekly, fortnightly, monthly or yearly view. They can also be organized into different categories with their own settings. Documents or programs can be attached to an event so that they are automatically launched when the event fires. The program also allows sharing via network (multi-user).

Runs on:Win98 / WinME / WinNT / Win2K / WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10
Writes settings to: Application folder
Stealth: ? Yes
License: Freeware
How to extract: Download the "Portable" ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch Kalender.exe.
What's new?
  • The colors of the custom tray icon can be changed now.
  • Fixed:
    • Error, where the selected date for entering a new event was overwritten if a new event category was selected;
    • Error, where the color mark of the current day was not updated, if alarms were disabled.

18 comments on UK's Kalender  The Portable Freeware Collection Latest Entries Feed

smaragdus 2015-11-04 09:36

The latest version is 2.4.4.


Checker 2015-10-11 02:13

@smaragdus: Thanks ... forum thread added ;)


smaragdus 2015-10-11 00:22


hamasaki 2013-05-08 14:24

Great software. Been using Kana Reminder for ages now, but just switched to this. Works great.


dddddddd11 2011-09-05 07:32

Yes, It rocks! and the latest version is 2.3.2 now.


halfvulcan 2011-01-29 17:13

This is an amazing application. Highly configurable. Don't judge it by the default color scheme or its name or even the way it's set up at first. I wanted something with a completely functional month view, good reminder/alarm system that would let me type in events quickly without having to specify times or even whether they're events or appointments. You see, the way I fgure it for simplicity and quick in-and-out usage, appointments are just events with a scheduled time and maybe more notes attached. This, unlike Mozilla Sunbird (p.o.c.) and other apps I've tried, let me customize it to work exactly how I think things should work. I changed the colors to something prettier, changed events to be unspecified time by default, etc. It does anything and everything I can think of that I'd want from a calendar. In the month view, you can see the list of items for each day, unhide the ones you've hidden because they're routine or whatever.. You hover over an event and it shows you your notes on it, or doubleclick to edit it. I should mention, UK isn't the country/landmass, it's the initials of the creator of this awesomely engineered software.

Dan_from-alexandria 2010-07-04 12:20

Do you want to keep track of your scheduled events and receive an alarm before one happens? This app sits in the system tray and lets you specify (a)when a recurring or one-time event will happen, (b)how long before the event an alarm window is to pop up, (c) a message to include in the alarm window. At the indicated time, on the appointed day, you get the message. Refreshingly simple calendar display and intuitive interface. No learning curve. Uses 1.5MB on USB drive.

Twitch 2010-04-11 07:05

I run Kalender one directory, many OS's (multi-boot), nice program, thank you.

Yesterday I had a hard crash, on a reboot I was showing a date of 2003, Lost the Trial version of Nod and Kalender is now red while it sits in the systray.

Kalender also showed 2003 when it started. Everything seems ok, all entries are intact. I've run it backwards through the months if an event wanted to pop up; None did.

I've scanned the help file, no help.

Why would it be red?


Hypatia 2008-07-03 12:49

For the most part UK's Calender works portably very well. For reminder WAVs, for example, after selecting WAV, I just remove the drive letter and rest of path and sounds work no matter what computer you're on and no matter what drive letter (yes, drive letters can be changed on many computers but not all, so this is an important facet of portability which is overlooked. Many apps are, in reality, standalones and not portable when they fail because of file paths).
i.e., if path to WAV is this:
F:\APPS\REMINDER\reminder, UK's Kalender v2.1.4\APP- UK's Kalender v2.1.4\REMINDERS\blip.wav

I just put this:
and it works! There is sound.

What I can't get to work without a full path are any apps, scripts, etc., to launch in "command" under the "action" tab in a reminder. I've tried what's worked in other apps that didn't start out as portables, with success, i.e., this,
F:\APPS\REMINDER\reminder, UK's Kalender v2.1.4\APP- UK's Kalender v2.1.4\REMINDERS\Rem- GroceryList, open.au3

won't work as any of these:
\REMINDERS\Rem- GroceryList, open.au3 REMINDERS\Rem- GroceryList, open.au3 ..\REMINDERS\Rem- GroceryList, open.au3 \..\REMINDERS\Rem- GroceryList, open.au3 etc.

Anyone have any ideas? Thx!

Steve Edwards 2008-01-19 15:10

I've been using this program for almost a year on a USB drive. It is easy to use, small. seems bug free, I like it!

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