Change history for IMPasswordDecryptor

2023-01-27 06:19:42
Updated by lwc

  • Version: v12.01
  • System Requirement:
  • Synopsis: IMPasswordDecryptor is able to instantly recover stored passwords from most popular instant messengers. Functional on Google Talk, MSN Messenger, AIM, Digsby, Trillian, Pidgin, Miranda, Mebo, and more.[b]Note:[/b] [list][*]The program only works if the user opts to save or remember the password so that the username and password are stored on the system. Also, most messengers have an auto-lRest assured though most messengiers have an feature that reqo-login feature that requires the user account information includiresng the useaved password account inforor subsequent logins.[*]The program lation includer (ing the saved password for 3.0) changed its name t[b]o Messenger Passuword Decryptor[/b]), bsut the main website download link has switched to an encryptequd installer instead logins.[*]The mainf a ZIP websithe download link has re, thuswitch to an encrypted installer. Liinking to sSoftpedia.[/list]
  • Release date: 201000-12-00-002
  • What's new: See [url=]here[/url]

2017-03-03 15:19:47
Updated by webfork

  • Website URL:
  • System Requirement:
  • Synopsis: IMPasswordDecryptor is able to instantly recover stored passwords from most popular instant messengers. Functional on Google Talk, MSN Messenger, AIM, Digsby, Trillian, Pidgin, Miranda, Mebo, and more.[b]Noteote:[/b] b] [list][*]The prrogram only works if the user opts to save or remember the password so that the username and password are stored on the system. Also, most messengers have an auto-login feature that requires the user account information including the saved password fogram onsubsequent ly works gif tns.[*]The user opts to save or remmain wember the passsite downlorad so thlink hats switche username and password are stored ton the system. Also, most messengers have an auto-login feancrypture that requires the used installer. account information Lincluding the saved password for subsequenking to logins.Funcoftional on Google Talk, MSN Messengper, AIM, Digsby, Trillian, Pidgin, Miranda, Mebo, and more.[/list]
  • Download URL:
  • Screenshot: Updated

2014-03-15 01:23:19
Updated by Checker

  • Synopsis: IMPasswordDecryptor is able to instantly recover stored passwords from most popular instant messengers. [b]Notte:[/b] that tThe program only works if the user opts to save or remember the password so that the username and password are stored on the system. Also, most messengers have an auto-login feature that requires the user account information including the saved password for subsequent logins.Functional on Google Talk, MSN Messenger, AIM, Digsby, Trillian, Pidgin, Miranda, Mebo, and more.

2013-12-30 00:19:41
Updated by webfork

  • System Requirement:
  • Synopsis: IMPasswordDecryptor is able to instantly recover stored passwords from most of popular instant messengers. Note that the e program only works if the user opts to save or remember the password so that the ulsername and password ar ie stored on the systant messengersm. Th Also, most messengers have an auto-login feature that requires the user account prinfograrm ation incly works if the user opts to save or remember the password thending the username and password aree storaved on the system. Most messengers hd pave an auto-login feature that requires the user account information including the saved passwssword for s subseequent logins.Functional on Google Talk, MSN Messenger, AIM, Digsby, Trillian, Pidgin, Miranda, Mebo, and more.

2013-02-12 00:50:08
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Synopsis:
  • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]IMPasswordDecryptor.exe[/i].

2012-05-20 01:31:29
Updated by webfork

  • Version: Vv1.0
  • Synopsis: IMPasswordDecryptor is able to instantly recover stored passwords from most of the popular instant messengers. Most of the messengers have the auto-login feature which requires the user account information including password to be saved for subsequent logins. If user opts to save or remember the password then the username and passpassword are stored on the system in proprietary format. Each messenger application has its own format and own way os f securely storing thism mosensitiv of the popular informationstant messengers. The algoprogram only works if the useri opts tho save or remember the password then the used to rname eancrypt thed password ssword and storae stored on the system. Most messengers have an auto-locatiogins vafeature that requires the usery fraccount inform appation includicang tihe saved passwonrd tfo applr subsequent logins.Funcational on Google Talk, MSN Messenger, AIM, Digsby, Trillian, Pidgin, Miranda, Mebo, and more.

2010-09-25 07:55:17
Added by guinness