Change history for Network Password Recovery

2024-01-17 00:05:26
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v1.567
  • System Requirement:
  • Release date: 20224-01-0815
  • What's new: [list][*]Fixed the external drive feature to work properly if you sign in with Microsoft account.[*]Be aware that in order to decrypt Windows passwords created while you signed in with Microsoft account, you have to provide the random DPAPI password generated for your Microsoft account instead of the actual login password. You can find this DPAPI passwrord blem with th de MadPcrypting passEwords from external drive tooln Windows 11 22H2.[/list]

2022-01-10 06:43:36
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v1.556
  • Release date: 20202-01-08-16
  • What's new: Ad[list][*]Fixed the external d:[rive feature to work properly if you sign in with Microst][*]Newoft accoptioun 'Load the passwords.[*]Be aware that in order to decrypt Windows passwords created while you signed in with Microsof t account, you have to provide the all logged-i random DPAPI users'. Thipass new optiord gen erallows you to recover thed passwfords of non-administrator users without typing the your Micr pasosword, as loft account ing astead of the actuser is alreadyl loglogedin into ypasswour systemd.[*]'Filename' cYolum can fin, whicd this DPAPI displays the csworedentials file where the pass word isth the MadPassExt toredol.[/list]

2020-08-17 20:20:11
Updated by billon

  • Additional features: [Internet - Web Browser Tools]
  • Website URL:
  • Version: v1.505
  • Size (in bytes): 118526493
  • Download URL: https://w/
  • Keywords: networkpasswordrecovery network%20password%20recovery networkpassword passwordrecovery networkpassrecovery nirsoft
  • Release date: 2016-20-08-0216
  • What's new: Added:[list][*]Support fNew option 'Load the passwords of the all lor decrypting passwords from external drive / another user profile for all versions of Windows from Windows XP and up to Windows 10 (in 'Advancged Options' wd-indow - F9).[*]Advanced external duserive settings which allows yous'. to choose the desired Windows Protect folder and tThe Windows Crnedenw option al foldlows you to recover the passwords of (in 'Advanceon-ad Oministrator users without typing their password, as long as the user is already logged ionto your system.[*]' wFilendame' column, which displays the credentials file where the password - F9)is stored.[/list]

2016-08-03 04:33:26
Updated by billon

  • Icon: Updated

2016-08-03 04:26:32
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.450
  • System Requirement: Win98 WinME
  • Size (in bytes): 786491203
  • Release date: 20146-098-027
  • What's new: [listAdded:[list][*]Support for decrypting passwords from external drive / another user profile for all versions of Windows from Windows XP and up to Windows 10 (in 'Advanced Options' window - F9).[*]Addeddvanced 'Eexpoternal drive settings which Raw Pallows you to choose the deswoired Windows Data' option, whi Protech allows you to foldexpor and t all raw data fromhe Winindows cCreedential files. You can view the exportedl fiole with any Hex der (in 'Adviewer/editor, anced you may find in this file some informatOption that is not displayed in the mainns' wiindow of Network Passdoword Recovery tool- F9).[/list]

2015-09-27 22:10:04
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.340
  • Size (in bytes): 7891320
  • Release date: 2014-09-127
  • What's new: [list][*]RAddemd 'Export Raw Passwords Data' option, which allows you to export all raw data from Windows credential files. You can view the expovrted file with any Hex viewer/editor, and you may find in this file some command-line formation that is not displayed in the main wions thatdow of Nexptwortk the pasPasswoords to a file from the Recofficial version. A version of thisy tool with full command-line support will be posted on separated Web page.[/list]

2015-09-25 21:20:22
Updated by Checker

  • Screenshot: Updated

2015-09-25 21:18:51
Updated by Checker

  • System Requirement:
  • Download URL:
  • Release date: 20000-0014-009-17

2014-09-21 18:52:29
Updated by webfork

    2014-09-17 16:16:49
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: v1.334
    • Size (in bytes): 781360
    • What's new: [list][*]ToRemoved the command-line options that export the passwords to a file from the officiavl versioid fn. A version of this toom dele witih full con by mmand-listake, the delete menu item is ne suppow separated from the others. At will be poso, the default aon swer foepar athed dWelete qub pagestion is No.[/list]

    2014-03-21 17:14:37
    Updated by Checker

    • Forum topic ID: 10706

    2013-03-21 20:25:10
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: v1.323
    • System Requirement:
    • Size (in bytes): 7187360
    • What's new: [list][*]Added 'Mark Odd/EvTo avoid from deletion by mistake, then Rows' option, under lethe Vmenu itew menu. When it's turned on, the odd and eveis n rows separate displayed in different color, tro make it easier the o thereads. aAlso, the sidefault angleswer for the delinete question is No.[/list]

    2012-09-22 15:51:11
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: Vv1.32
    • System Requirement:
    • Dependencies: Administrator rights

    2012-06-23 15:51:19
    Updated by Checker

    • Synopsis: Network Password Recovery finds the password saved when a machine connects to a remote server for the currently logged-on user. Saved passwords include LAN network shares or .NET Passport account. The program can also recover the passwords stored in Credentials file of external drive, as long as you know the last log-on password.A 64-bit version is available.
    • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]netpass.exe[/i].
    • What's new: [list][*]Addedded 'Mark Oddd/Even Rows' option, uvender thRows' option, under the View meenu. When it's s turned on, the odd and on, the odd and even r rows are displlayed in d ifn different color, to make it easielor, to make it easier to read a si singlle line.[/list]

    2012-01-07 14:38:32
    Updated by Checker

    • Synopsis: Network Password Recovery finds the password saved when a machine connects to a remote server for the currently logged-on user. Saved passwords include LAN network shares or .NET Passport account. The program can also recover the passwords stored in Credentials file of external drive, as long as you know the last log-on password.A 64-bit version is available.

    2011-12-05 21:08:27
    Updated by Checker

    • Synopsis: Network Password Recovery finds the password saved when a machine connects to a remote server for the currently logged-on user. Saved passwords include LAN network shares or .NET Passport account. The program can also recover the passwords stored in Credentrogram can also recover the passwords stored in Credentials file of external drive, as long as you know the lase last log-on passsword.64 -bit version is available.

    2011-05-16 19:46:52
    Added by webfork