2021-01-31 16:45:51
Updated by webfork
- Synopsis:
[b]RocketCake[/b] is a free web editor for creating responsive websites. For beginners and professional web developers. No programming needed.It has a [b]WYSIWYG editor[/b] with which it is possible to create responsive websites (= websites which look great both on mobile devices, tablets or desktop PCs) without programming.The editor is free, but there is also a profesocketCake is a free web editor for creating responsive websitesional, commercial edition with a bit more features.[b]Seems to be a unicode application[/b] (sior beginngle exe irs both 32bit and 64bit cprompfessionatil web develeopers (no programming needed)[b]Winso. The prgoram has a ws Vishata+ 32bit Work-you-s![/b]Windows XP 32bit, unsureWin 2k/NT4 32be-is-what, uns-your-get (WiYSIWYG)-style editor.A pro version 9x 32Bit,s available with additional unsfeatures.
2020-11-09 20:59:37
Added by aazard