TCPView v4.14

Special on 18 Aug 2021
  • 4MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 18 Aug 2021
  • Suggested by Andrew Lee

TCPView gives a detailed listing of all endpoints on your system, including both TCP and UDP for local and remote addresses and state of TCP connections. On Windows NT, 2000 and XP, TCPView also reports the name of the process that owns the endpoint. TCPView provides a more informative and conveniently presented subset of the Netstat program that ships with Windows.

Also available from PortableaApps.

Runs on:WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10
Writes settings to: Windows registry
Stealth: ? No
License: Freeware
How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch Tcpview.exe.
Similar/alternative apps: NetworkTrafficView
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5 comments on TCPView  The Portable Freeware Collection Latest Entries Feed

juvera 2013-02-15 19:26

The download link is not working as of this writing!


Gudufl 2011-02-04 16:01

Bogus Download Link discription!
The version that downloads is v3.03 which will not run on
W98SE, W2K and W2KSVR. Version 2.54 would run on W2K and W2KSVR but thats not the file that is downloaded trough this link. For W98SE one requiers an even older version.

[r4] 2009-03-21 07:59

How come it does not work in Windows 98 SE (fully patched)?
Is there a workaround for this?

Dr J C Bullas 2009-01-22 12:18

Also Useful for studying if there is activity over a mobile ( GPRS ) internet comnnection

Webfork 2008-01-19 23:11

A way of looking underneath the hood of your computer, TCPView shows you *what* is connected to *where*. Possible uses could be administrators who need to keep track of both authorized and unauthorized users. Can also help track down nefarious programs connected to the internet.

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