Change history for Virtual Drives Manager

2020-11-12 23:00:47
Updated by webfork

  • System Requirement:
  • Screenshot: Updated

2014-03-15 03:08:48
Updated by Checker

  • Synopsis: Virtual Drives Manager is a tool for defining virtual drives in your filesystem. Virtual drives are symbolic links that points to existing directories on your filesystem. This is essentially a graphical version of [i]subst.exe[/i].[ib]Notote:[/b] This applicatiion periodicalically triess to contact If you are using a personal firewall, tyo u contactn If you arey block using at pefrsonal firm accewall, you can ssimplyng blthe netwocrk it fr. But if yomu are accreally fussingsy about such the network. But if you are really fussy about ingsuch things,, thenn yoou might t not waant t to use te the program at all.[/i]

2013-05-02 17:03:23
Updated by Checker

  • System Requirement:
  • Synopsis: Virtual Drives Manager is a tool for defining virtual drives in your filesystem. Virtual drives are symbolic links that points to existing directories on your filesystem. This is essentially a graphical version of [i]subst.est.exe.[/i].[i]Noote: This application periodically tries to contact www.ahis application periodically tries to contact If you are using a personal firewall, you can simplyf you are using a personal firewall, you can simply blocock it from accessing the netwocessing the network. But if you are really fussy about such things, then you might noht not want tot to usee the program at all.[/i]

2012-06-24 15:48:05
Updated by Checker

  • Version: Vv1.0b
  • System Requirement:
  • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch the program by double-click[ing on ]ViirtualDrives.exe[/i].

2005-02-17 20:35:29
Added by admin