Change history for vSubst

2019-04-05 10:23:34
Updated by webfork

  • Release date: 20000-0017-005-31

2019-04-05 10:22:12
Updated by webfork

  • Website URL: http:/s://
  • Synopsis: vSubst helps assign virtual drive letters to any folder on your hard disk. It is a graphical interface for the SUBST command. The limitations are: [list][*]SUBSTed-drives don't operate 100% in networks[*]Some copy-protected CD-ROMs check for the physical presence of a disk[*]Volume-Label is always identical to the host label[/list]NOTE: Website offline, linking to / softpedia.
  • Download URL: https://home.da//

2019-04-05 10:20:30
Updated by webfork

  • System Requirement:
  • Synopsis: vSubst helps assign virtual drive letters to any folder on your hard disk. It is a graphical interface for the SUBST command. The limitations are: [list] [*]SUBSTed-drives don't operate 100% in networ0% in networks [*]Some copy-protome copy-protected CD-ROMs check fos check for the physical presence of a disk [*]Volume-Label is always identical to the host label [/list]
  • Screenshot: Updated
  • Forum topic ID: 05125

2013-02-12 00:49:54
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Synopsis: vSubst helps assign virtual drive letters to any folder on your hard disk. It is a graphical interface for the SUBST command. The limitations are: [list] S[*]SUBSTeded-drives don't t opeeratete 100% in networ0% in networks [*]Some copy-protecome copy-protected CD-ROMs check fors check for thhe p physical presencesence of a disk [*]Volume-Laabel is always identical to the host label [/list]
  • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]vSubst.exe[/i].

2011-12-26 20:25:24
Updated by Emka

  • Version: Vv1.78.0.2
  • System Requirement:
  • Synopsis: vSubst helps assign virtual drive letters to any folder on your hard disk. It is a graphical interface for the SUBST command. The limitations are: SUBSTed-ed-drives don't ot opeeratete 100% in netwo0% in networks Some copy-protectome copy-protected CD-ROMs check fors check for the physical presence of a disk Volume-Laabel is always identical to the host label

2009-08-01 20:53:17
Added by admin