Change history for Leelu Virtual Drives Manager

2022-12-30 08:37:47
Updated by lwc

  • System Requirement:
  • Release date: 200009-11-00-0024

2016-09-02 13:25:22
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: Leelu Virtual Drives Manager let you in a quick way, create a Symbolic link (aka MS-DOS Device name) to a folder and present it as drive. Drives that are created with will stay even after you restart your system and you can easily remove them by restarting Virtual Drives Manager.This is useful for some applications that insist on being installed to a specific/root drive, to more easily and logically divide your directory structure for different users, or to create a quick access to a long path directly from [i]My Computer[/i].[b]Note:[/b] OWe are linking to the 1.0 version of this software but other versions of this software are [url=]considered adware[/url].
  • Forum topic ID: 23410

2015-09-27 05:15:44
Updated by billon

  • Website URL: http://leelusoft.blogspoaltervista.comrg/2009/11/vivirtuaal-drrives-manager-10.html
  • System Requirement:
  • Download URL:

2015-09-27 01:02:39
Updated by webfork

  • System Requirement:
  • Icon: Updated
  • Screenshot: Updated

2014-03-15 01:38:24
Updated by Checker

  • System Requirement:
  • Synopsis: Leelu Virtual Drives Manager let you in a quick way, create a Symbolic link (aka MS-DOS Device name) to a folder and present it as drive. Drives that are created with will stay even after you restart your system and you can easily remove them by restarting Virtual Drives Manager.This is useful for some applications that insist on being installed to a specific/root drive, to more easily and logically divide your directory structure for different users, or to create a quick access to a long path directly from [i]My Computer[/i].[b]Note:[/b]: oOther versions of this software are [url=]considered adware[/url].

2013-02-12 00:49:53
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Synopsis: Leelu Virtual Drives Manager let you in a quick way, create a Symbolic link (aka MS-DOS Device name) to a folder and present it as drive. Drives that are created with will stay even after you restart your system and you can easily remove them by restarting Virtual Drives Manager.This is useful for some applications that insist on being installed to a specific/root drive, to more easily and logically divide your directory structure for different users, or to create a quick access to a long path directly from [i]My Computomputer[/i].[b]Note: other versioote[/b]: other versionss of this software tare [url=hittp:// sof/viewtware are opic.php?p=48627]consideredered aadwarre[/url].
  • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]vdm.exe[/i].

2012-03-29 02:07:14
Updated by webfork

  • Version: Vv1.00
  • Synopsis: Leelu Virtual Drives Manager let you in a quick way, create a Symbolic link (aka MS-DOS Device name) to a folder and present it as drive. Drives that are created with will stay even after you restart your system and you can easily remove them by restarting Virtual Drives Manager.This is useful for some applications that insist on being installed to a specific/root drive, to more easily and logically divide your directory structure for different users, or to create a quick access to a long path directly from My Computer.Note: use other versions of this software are considered adware.

2012-03-04 22:44:40
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: Leelu Virtual Drives Manager let you in a quick way, create a Symbolic link (aka MS-DOS Device name) to a folder and present it as drive. Drives that are created with will stay even after you restart your system and you can easily remove them by restarting Virtual Drives Manager.This is useful for some applications that insist on being installed to a specific/root drive, to more easily and logically divide your directory structure for different users, or to create a quick access to a long path directly from My Computer.Note: use of the installer version of this software is considered adware, but tthe poertable versions of thiss software are considered adware.

2012-03-04 20:43:42
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: Leelu Virtual Drives Manager let you in a quick way, create a Symbolic link (aka MS-DOS Device name) to a folder and present it as drive. Drives that are created with will stay even after you restart your system and you can easily remove them by restarting Virtual Drives Manager.This is useful for some applications that insist on being installed to a specific/root drive, to more easily and logically divide your directory structure for different users, or to create a quick access to a long path directly from My Computer.Note: use of the installer version of this software is considered adware, but the portable version is freeware.

2010-11-26 20:58:23
Updated by webfork

  • Categories: [System - Network] [System - Storage]

2010-07-29 20:38:10
Added by guinness