Change history for SFXMaker

2013-02-12 00:49:55
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Synopsis: SFXMaker is an automation tool for unattended software installations, also known as switchless installers or silent installs. This program especially ideal for those who use nLite, as it adds the option of creating an installer for nLite in the GUI.There are also mo[ure l=]more recenent verrsions[/url] of SFXMaker, but they require administator rights.
  • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]SFXMaker.exe[/i].
  • What's new: [list][*]Reemooved n nConvert because it was replaced with an inteert because it was replaced with an internal iccon conversion engine Fixed bug when changing icon ersion engine[*]Fixed bug when changing icon with an *.ico file [*]Fixeed small buugs [*]Updated plugiins [*]Added Duutchh, Turkish, Siimplifielified Chininese se and Farsi[/list]

2012-05-15 05:09:47
Updated by SYSTEM

  • Version: Vv1.2.1
  • Synopsis: SFXMaker is an automation tool for unattended software installations, also known as switchless installers or silent installs. This program especially ideal for those who use nLite, as it adds the option of creating an installer for nLite in the GUI.There are also more recent versions of SFXMaker, but they require administator rights.
  • Download URL:

2011-01-15 17:54:28
Updated by SYSTEM

  • Synopsis: SFXMaker is an automation tool for unattended software installations, also known as switchless installers or silent installs. This program especially ideal for those who use nLite, as it adds the option of creating an installer for nLite in the GUI.
  • Size (in bytes): 23874538713
  • What's new: Since 1.2 final-Minor bug fixes -Updated 7zS.sfx module -Removed Firefox, IE and WMP installer detection (pretty useless and outdated) -Fixed VersionInfo (Edit Strings) changing/updating code with new re-written code. Now it works for everyone !-Updated Firefox detection to 3.5.5 -Fixed pointid ng to the selected directConvery wht becausen browit wase fi replace to run d with an internal icon conversion clengicked -ne Fiixeed "Ins bufig when changing icon with an *.ico file Fixent memory" errord small bugs forUpdated plarugins Added Dutch, Tur fikish, Simplified Chineses and Farsi

2010-08-28 20:34:07
Added by guinness